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Professor Jarka Glassey

UCC Eli Lilly Adjunct Professor in Biopharmaceutical Engineering

Professor Jarka Glassey is UCC Eli Lilly Adjunct Professor in Biopharmaceutical Engineering, having been appointed for an initial three year period from 2019-2022, and from 2022-2025. Jarka qualified as a biochemical engineer at STU Bratislava, Slovakia and gained her PhD in bioprocess modelling at Newcastle University, where she currently works as a Professor in the School of Engineering. Her main research interests are in bioprocess modelling, monitoring, optimization and her work is closely linked to industrial application throughout her career. She has served as VP Learned Society of IChemE, is Executive Officer of IChemE's Education and Accreditation Forum and is Editor-in-Chief of Education for Chemical Engineers. Prof. Glassey is also VP Exec of ESBES (European Society for Biochemical Engineering Sciences) and an immediate past chair of the Modelling, Monitoring Measurement and Control Section of ESBES.

She is also passionate about chemical engineering education and served as the immediate past Secretary of the Working Party on Education of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. She is a recipient of a number of national awards in recognition of her contribution to teaching. Most notably, she was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship and a Principal Fellow of HEA recognition.

Her contribution to the profession was recognized in 2021 on her election as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Prof Jarka Glassey

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
