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The Economic and Societal Impact of UCC

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Economic and Societal Impact of UCC Report


UCC's students generate €187.50 MILLION for the local economy in expenditure


Employment rates of UCC graduates are at historic high levels
Undergraduate 94%
Graduate 95%


€2.3 million generated by UCC every day for the economy
€ 5.68 RETURN FOR EVERY €1 of state investment in UCC


€96 MILLION Investment in Creation & Discovery =
€10 MILLION in R&D secured and invested by UCC’s Industry partners


Over 23% of UCC’s undergraduate intake are mature students, students with disabilities or non-traditional college-goers, reflecting the ethos of equality, diversity and inclusion for all

President's Office

Oifig an Uachtaráin

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, Western Road , Cork T12 K8AF
