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Professor Kieran McQuinn

Professor Kieran McQuinn

Dr. McQuinn is Associate Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) where he works on the quarterly economic commentary (QEC) and housing related projects.  He worked in the Irish Central Bank where he had management positions in the research and financial stability areas.  He lectured in the Department of Economics, University College Cork and then joined Teagasc, the Irish agriculture and food development authority, where he worked as a research economist.  During this period Dr. McQuinn, along with two other colleagues, built and maintained the FAPRI-Ireland economic model of the Irish agricultural sector. This model was used for policy simulations and analysis during negotiations on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).He has published on a broad number of topics. These include house prices, mortgage market analysis, economic growth, financial sector efficiency, macroeconometric modelling and forecasting, macro-prudential policy and agricultural economics. Dr. McQuinn is currently an associate editor of the domestic economic journal the Economic and Social Review and a current council member of both the Economic and Social Studies and the Irish Economics Association.


Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
