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Eddie Daly


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Mr. Eddie Daly PhD Student

Department of Chemical & Life Sciences,Waterford Institute of Technology,Waterford

353 (0)51 302 679

eddie daly

Eddie graduated from Waterford Institute of Technology in 2008 with a BSc in Land Management (in forestry). Modules within the degree included plant biology, dendrology, forest protection, soil management, sustainable forest management, advanced silviculture and statistical research. His final year dissertation involved investigating the variation in growth of a Douglas fir provenance trial. Before commencing this PhD on the PLANFORBIO research programme he was part of the team, working with Coillte that is currently assessing the viability of using nematodes as a bio-control for the pine weevil. 






Planning and Management Tools for Biodiversity in a Range of Irish Forests

PLANFORBIO Research Programme, Dept. of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science, University College Cork, Distillery Fields,North Mall, Cork, Ireland
