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The Newtons Of Shenandoah University’s Bernard J. Dunn School Of Pharmacy Host UCC Pharmacy Student.

9 Oct 2009

Dr. David W. Newton, Professor of Biopharmaceutical Sciences in the Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy (BJDSOP) of Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia, and his wife Dr. Marian Newton, Professor of Nursing and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy in the BJDSOP, welcomed third year UCC Pharmacy student Sheila O’Loughlin to the United States of America on June 25th 2009.

The Newtons graciously hosted Sheila for ten days in Winchester. During this time, they, with the aid of the admirably facilitating faculty of the BJDSOP, revealed the world of American Pharmacy and American life to the Irish student.

Dr. Douglas Smith (Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice), Dr. Mark Johnson (Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice), Dr. Marcia Brackbill (Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice), Dr. Robert Kidd (Professor of Biopharmaceutical Sciences), Dr. Sarah Parnapy (Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Pracitce), Dr. Mitsi Lizer (Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice) and Dr. Wendell Combest (Professor of Biopharmaceutical Sciences) all took time out of their busy schedules to introduce Sheila to their respective fields in clinical pharmaceutical work places, including the BJDSOP, Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury Nursing Home, Winchester Medical Centre, and Martin’s (grocery store) Pharmacy. Each and every staff member was extremely accommodating and helpful to their newfound student shadow. Mr. John Rotz, in Rotz Pharmacy, shed some light on the role played by privately owned pharmacies in the US, by kindly taking the time to talk about life in his dispensary, with an operating drug-dispensing robot, and private consultations rooms for vaccinations etc.

Shenandoah University President Tracy Fitzsimmons, like many others in the US academic world, was intrigued to hear about the competitive Irish Leaving Certificate points system and the three young schools of pharmacy (Trinity founded in 1977, RCS in 2002, and UCC in 2003) on Irish soil, unsurprisingly, when living on US soil which is home to one hundred and fifteen schools of Pharmacy (September 2009), the oldest being the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy founded in 1821.

Having explored the Pharmacy world of Winchester, and some spectacular historical sites such as Monticello, Virginia and Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, the Newtons brought Sheila’s trip to a close with a visit to Washington DC for July 4th, where the friendly Millers extended a warm welcome. Dr. Kenneth Miller, Senior Vice President of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, not only provided further insight into American Pharmacy, but also an extensive guided tour of the magnificent memorials and monuments of Washington DC. Both academically and culturally, the horizons of a young Irish student were broadened, thanks to the Newtons, and their many wonderful acquaintances.

BJDSOP:  Click Pharmacy in the Schools of Excellence list 

Dr. D. Newton:  

Dr. M. Newton:  



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