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School of Pharmacy Open Day

12 Jan 2011

At a novel event on Jan 6th, the School of Pharmacy at University College Cork hosted an Open Day where forty students from Munster secondary schools learned about Pharmacy as a discipline, the Pharmacy degree program and career opportunities.  The purpose of the initiative was to help inform students who may be considering a career in Pharmacy or the Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The day’s content centred on providing the attendees with an appreciation for the degree course by attending real lectures and laboratory sessions in each of the main subject areas.  Aspirin was synthesised in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry laboratory; tablets were prepared in the Pharmaceutics laboratory and Clinical Practitioners over saw the production of an ointment - including the challenge of tube filling!  In the Clinical Practice area, the pharmacist as a key member of the health care team was emphasised. 

Head of School, Professor Caitriona O’Driscoll opened the event by welcoming the students and providing an overview of the day’s programme.  Her key message was that Pharmacy is a scientific discipline operating within a healthcare arena, which allows graduates to practice in clinical, industrial, management or research fields. 

Enthusiastic feedback from participants included descriptions such as “informative and fun” and included surprise at the breadth of career possibility and also excitement at exposure to “new” subjects including Pharmacology, Clinical Practice, and Pharmaceutics.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
