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About PDRC

Parkinson's Disease Research Cluster (PDRC)

The Parkinson's Disease Research Cluster (PDRC), is a group of researchers working together to better understand Parkinson’s Disease. Our research team is dedicated to producing high-quality research that will increase our knowledge of the causes of Parkinson’s disease, how it can be detected and diagnosed more quickly, what are the important symptoms that impair the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s and their families, and how we can improve these symptoms through better care.

This is a collaborative effort, involving experts from a wide range of disciplines based at Cork University Hospital and University College Cork including social gerontologists, health services researchers, clinical neurologists and geriatricians, neuro-rehabilitation specialists, and neuroscientists. At the PDRC, we are a collective of research teams working together to better understand Parkinson’s Disease through conducting cutting edge research with the ultimate aim being to lead to advances in patient care and improved health outcomes.

The mysteries of how the brain develops, functions and malfunctions are among the most challenging and fascinating in modern medicine where new techniques at the molecular and cellular level are opening up exciting avenues for scientific pursuit.

Our Mission Statement

“To conduct hypothesis-driven experimental, clinical, health services and translational research in Parkinson’s disease to understand its mechanisms and lead to advances in patient care.”

Perhaps you can help too?

The person with Parkinson's is the central focus in all our research, and this is where we rely on help from you and the community in general. We are actively recruiting volunteers to participate in a variety of studies, ranging from interviews and survey-style questionnaires, to more complicated testing done in a clinical or a lab setting.

Not only are we recruiting people with Parkinson's, we are also looking for help from people without Parkinson's to act as a comparison or “control group”. Some of our studies also focus on the experience and perspectives of family carers of people with Parkinson's.

Therefore, please let any family members or friends know about us if you think they might be able to help. If you are interested in research in any aspect of Parkinson's, please get in touch with us!

Contact us

If interested in learning more or taking part in one of our studies, please see the contact details provided on each of the individual projects.


Parkinson's Disease Research Cluster (PDRC)

College of Medicine & Health, University College Cork, Ireland.
