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Fluoride And Caring for Children's Teeth (FACCT) study - Health Research Board (HRB) Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) 2017: Supporting individuals and organisations involved in implementation of community water fluoridation

This is a mixed methods study to develop tailored dissemination materials for specified target groups based on the findings of the FACCT study.

The resulting infographics are available for printing in A4 leafletmobile-friendly scrollable and A2 poster formats.

Funded by HRB KEDS Award KEDS-2017-017

Suggested citation: James, P., Beecher, T., Whelton, H. and Harding, M. (2020, June 27). FACCT Infographics. Available from:











Forum on Fluoridation (2002) Report of the Forum on Fluoridation. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

Sutton, M., Kiersey, R., Farragher, L., & Long, J. (2015) Health effects of water fluoridation. An evidence review. Dublin: Health Research Board.

Whelton, H., Crowley, E., O’Mullane, D., Harding, M., Guiney, H., Cronin, M., Flannery, E., & Kelleher, V. (2006) North South Survey of Children's Oral Health in Ireland 2002. Dublin: Department of Health & Children.

Oral Health Services Research Centre

University Dental School & Hospital, Wilton, Cork T12 E8YV, Ireland.
