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Academic Board

Academic Board

The Academic Council has delegated certain responsibilities to an Academic Board. The Registrar chairs the Academic Board on behalf of the President. The Academic Board comprises members nominated by Academic Council and ex-officio members. It takes decisions and makes recommendations to Governing Body and Academic Council on a number of matters.

The Principal Statute, Section C.4 States:

C.4. Academic Board.

C.4.a. Composition.

The Academic Council shall establish an Academic Board which shall consist of the President, the Registrar and such other members of Academic Council as the Academic Council shall determine.

C.4.b. Delegation of functions.

The Academic Council may delegate to the Academic Board such of its functions as it thinks fit. The Academic Board shall operate in such manner as the Academic Council may direct, and its acts shall be subject to confirmation by the Academic Council, unless the Academic Council otherwise directs.

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