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Model (S) Full Index

Full Index to Model (S)- [Science/Eng. & Services.]

Volume 1: Safety Management System ( revised 2014)
Volume 2: Requirements for the Controls of Hazards and Risks
Volume 3: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (part revised 2014)
Volume 4: Safety Action Plans

Volume 1 (S): Universal Safety Management System (2021)


1.0 Circulation  
2.0 Foreword-Review-and-Amendment-Procedures-Jan-2022  
3.0 University-Safety-Policy-Revised-2021 3.1 Introduction
3.2 University Safety Policy
3.3 Statutory Responsibilities of the University as an Employer and the Executive of the College
3.3.2 Employee Responsilities
3.4 Responsiility for safety at College/Functional Area Level
3.4.1 School/Department Safety statement responsiility
3.4.2 Other Responsiilities outside the control of the College/Function/School/Department
3.5 Principal Legislation applying to the University
4.0 College-Function-School-Department-Safety-Organisation-and-Responsibilities 2021  
5.0 Responsibilities-of-University-College-Officers-Designated-Officials Dec 2021



6.0 Resources 2014 6.1 University Responsibility
6.2 College/School/Department/Unit/Centre Responsibility
7.0 Training-Jan-2022 7.1 Legal Requirements
7.2 Department responsibility for training
7.2.1 Undergraduate and Post Graduate Safety Training
7.2.2 Employee/ Post Doc Safety Training
7.3 Specific Training
7.4 Completion of Training records
7.5 Responsibility for training
8.0Safety-Consultation-and-Safety-Reps 2021 8.1 Legal Requirements
8.2 Safety Representatives
8.3 Safety consultation at department level
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 School/Departmental Safety Officer and Department Safety Action Team
8.3.3 Safety queries and concerns 
9.0 First-Aid-Health-and-Welfare 2020 9.1 General
9.2 Provisions of First Aid Boxes/Kits at Department level
9.3 Location and Number of First Aid Boxes within the Department
9.4 names and Location of Department First Aiders
9.5 Names and Telephone Numbers of Emergency Services
9.6 Emergency First Aid Procedure
9.7 Training
9.8 Medications
9.9 Supervision
9.10 Welfare - Drinking Water
9.11 Smoking Proscription
10.0 Accident-and-Dangerous-Occurrence-Reporting May 2021 10.1 General
10.2 UCC internal reporting system 
11.0 Safety-Auditing-Occupational-Health-and-Hygiene Jan 2022 11.1 Audits and Inspections
Occupational Health and Surveillance
11.2.1 Legal Requirements
11.2.2 Department/Unit/Centre health surveillance
11.2.3 Pre-employment health screening
11.2.4 Occupational Hygiene (air analysis monitoring and personal dosimetry 
12.0 Postgraduate-and-Undergraduate-Students 2014 12.1 General
12.2 Graduate Students
12.3 Undergraduates
12.4 Student Projects
12.5 Responsibilities of Supervisors for Student Projects
12.6 Project Risk Assessment and Levels of Supervision
13.0 Persons-with-Special-Needs 2020  13.1.1 Pregnant employees, employees who have recently given birth or who are breastfeeding
13.1.2 Individuals who suffer from medical conditions
13.1.3 Individuals who have visual, aural or mobility impairments
13.1.4 Young persons/persons of an advanced age
13.2 Arrangements for Persons with Special Needs
14.0 Members-of-the-public-Visitors-Contractors-Shared-Workplaces 2020 14.1 Members of the Public and Visitors
14.2 Contractors
14.3 Employers Sharing the same Workplace
14.4 Typical Health & Safety Requirements for Inclusion in Contracts with Third Parties 
15.0 Atypical-Working-Times 2014 15.1 Introduction
15.2 Night work and Shift Work Employees
15.3 Late and Off-Peak Working 
16.0 Permit-to-Work-Systems-and-Safe-Operating-Procedures 2014 16.1 Permit to Work Systems
16.2 Safe Operating Procedures
16.3 Specimen Permit to Work form 2014 UCC permit to work general e-template 2014
17.0 17.0 Student Placements in the workplace 2014 17.1 Introduction
17.2 Legislation
17.3 Placement Approval/Appraisal
17.4 Review and Feedback

Volume 2 (S): Controls of Hazards and Risks

Requirements for the Control of Hazards & Risks

Note: all docs have individual rev #'s ( most current document in each case).

The list below is not exhaustive. Schools/Depts should add to the list below based on their Dept RA reconciliaiton. (With an summation of the appropriate risk controls listed and the persons responsible operationally for managing said risks) 

  Year Controls for Normal Work Hazards    Year Controls for Special Work Hazards 
18.1  2007 Offices  18.12 2006 Fieldwork
18.2  2006  Fire-and-other-emergencies-Jan-2022-(Offices-and-Non-Offices)  18.13 2006 Noise-at-Work
18.3 2006 Visual-Display-Screen-Equipment-(VDSE)  18.16 2006 Asbestos
18.4 2006  Manual-Handling   18.21 2006 Laboratories-(General)
18.5 2006 Slips-Trips-and-Falls  18.22  2007 Compressed-Gas-Cylinders
18.6 2006 Violence-at-Work  18.23 2006 Compressed-Air
18.7  2006  Machinery-and-Equipment-(Offices-and-Non-Offices)   18.24 2006 Laboratory-Glass-Apparatus
18.8 2006 Movement-of-Vehicles  18.25 2006 Use-of-Rubber-and-Plastic-Tubing-in-Laboratories
18.9 2006 Lecture-Theatres-Seminars-and-Meeting-Rooms  18.26 2006 Overnight-Experiments-and-Unattended-Operations
18.10  2006 Electrical-Safety 18.27 2006 Non-Ionising-Radiation
18.11 2007 Falls-from-Height 18.28 2006 Burns
 18.14 2006  Occupational-Stress  18.29 2006


 18.15 2006  Working-Alone 18.30 2006 Personal-Protective-Equipment
 18.17  2006  Bullying-and-Intimidation-in-the-Workplace 18.31 2006 Chemicals
 18.45 2006 Working-Outdoors 18.32 2006 Portable-Electrical-Equipment
      18.33 2006 Engineering-and-Scientific-Workshops
      18.34 2006 Cryogenic-Technology
      18.35 2006 Biological-Safety-Cabinets
      18.36 2006 Biological-and-Biomedical-Laboratories
      18.37 2006 Fume-Cupboards
      18.38 2006 Refrigerators
      18.39 2006 Vacuum-Equipment-and-Systems
      18.40 2006 Syringes-Sharps-Surgical-Blades-etc
      18.41 2006 Centrifuges
      18.42 2006 Autoclaves-Pressure-vessels-Systems-and-Plant
      18.43 2006 Ionising-Radiation
      18.44 2006 Working-in-Confined-Spaces
      18.46 2015 Vibration-at-Work

Volume 3 (S): Scientific/ Services Hazards Checklists-

‌‌‌‌‌‌Normal/Universal Work Hazards Special Work Hazards 
19.3.1 General-Workplace-Safety-Checklist-July2020 19.3.11 Construction-Checklist
19.3.2 Work-Equipment-Machinery-Checklist Laboratory-Workplace-and-Environmental-Checklist

19.3.3 Manual-Handling-Checklist-05-03-12

Manual-Handling-Simple/ General MH RA Laboratory-Equipment-and-Apparatus-Checklist

Note: Form is an aide to more indepth MH RA of complex shaped items or complex activities and in areas such as store rooms, equipment room or post rooms.

Form Manual-Handling-Self-Assessment-Checklist for Indepth MH RA Chemical-Storage-Usage-and-Disposal-Checklist Manual-Handling-Simple/ General MH RA

19.3.13 Engineering-and-Scientific-Workshop-Checklist Stress-Checklist 19.3.14 Fume-Cupboard-Checklist 
19.3.4 VDSE-and-Assessment-Checklist

Appendix V VDU Issues & Requirements
19.3.15 Compressed-Gasses-Checklist
19.3.5 Fire-and-Emergency-Checklist-Jan-2022

Appendix X Guide to Fire Extinguisher Use/Selection 
19.3.16 High-Pressure-Systems-and-Autoclaves-Checklist

19.3.6 Electrical-Safety-Checklist

19.3.17 Chemical-Risk-Assessment-Form 2014

Appendix XVII Student Supervision

Appendix XIX Guidance on the Safety Storage of Chemicals 

19.3.7 Personal-Protection-Equipment-May-2022 19.3.18 Biological-Risk-Assessment-Form 2018
19.3.8 Meeting-Rooms-Lecture-and-Seminar-Theatre-Checklist 19.3.20 Risk=Assessment-of-Materials-with-Irreversible-Health-Effects
19.3.9 Movement-of-Workplace-Vehicles-and-Traffic-Checklist  
19.3.10 First-Aid-Checklist  
19.3.19. This form is ommitted. Employees must notify HR of their pregnancy. HR will then issue them direct with an Pregnancy Job Risk Assessment Form. ( Students and Postgraduates should notify their department and Student health)  

19.3.21 Work related travel RA Oct 2023



Note: Only use those sections or elements therein as are relevant to the Departments activities as and where work is conducted both within and external to UCC.

Add additonal content to cover activities that are not captured within the above. B&Es inputs may be needed for 19.3.5, 19.3.6 and 19.3.9. 

Repeat travel journeys by an individual or group may be covered by an initial travel RA provided the circumstances remain constant/ unchanged.

A VDSE RA must be conducted for each staff workstation ( to capture different personal circumstances and set ups).

Please adapt the Field work code for indepth treatment & RA of any/ all fieldwork trips conducted by the School/Department.

Revised Feb 2015 and March 2017

Volume 3 (S): Hazard Id. - Action Summary

19.11 Summary-of-Simple-Actions-Arising-from-All-Hazards
19.12 Risk-Assessment-Summary-Sheet

Appendices Model (S)

Appendix I Hani-Rafaat-Risk-Assessment-Nomogram Sample
Appendix II  Recording-Risk-Assessments-(Examples) Sample
Appendix III Quick-Reference-Index-of-Subjects  
Appendix IV  Occupational-Hazards  
Appendix V  Appendix V VDU Issues & Requirements  
Appendix VI  Irish-and-EU-Leglislation  
Appendix VII Student-Supervision  
Appendix VIII  Safety-Responsibilities-to-Students  
Appendix IX  Provision-of-Welfare-Facilities   
Appendix X  Guide-to-Fire-Extinguisher-Use-Selection  
Appendix XI  First-Aid-Procedures  
Appendix XII  Bomb-Alert-Procedures  
Appendix XIII List-of-Health-and-Safety-Publications  

Appendix XVII

(revised 2015)


New CLP regs - indepth classification guidance

New EC CLP Classification and labelling of substances and mixtures

Appendix XVIII Guidelines-for-Management-of-Lab-Wastes  
Appendix XIX Guidance-on-the-Safety-Storage-of-Chemicals   
Appendix XX Selection-Guide-for-Respiratory-Protective-Equipment  
Appendix XXI Chemical-Storage-Compatability-Chart  
Appendix XXIII Compressed Gases Publications  
Appendix XXIV A-Safe-Working-Guide-for-Labs  
Appendix XXV Liq N2 Safety & RA - Univ of QueenslandLiq N2 Safety & RA - Univ of Queensland (412kB)Liq N2 Safety & RA - Univ of Queensland (412kB)  

Appendix XXV!


HSA form of Notification - SHWW Biological Agents Regs 2013

SHWW Biological Agents Regs 2013 Code of PracticeSHWW Biological Agents Regs 2013 Code of Practice (525kB)SHWW Biological Agents Regs 2013 Code of Practice (525kB)

UCC guide for HoF - SHWW Biological Regs 2013UCC guide for HoF - SHWW Biological Regs 2013 (58kB)UCC guide for HoF - SHWW Biological Regs 2013 (58kB)


Appendix XXVII


HSA Guide - Control of Exposure to Waste Anaesthetic Gasses


Health & Safety Office

Sláinte agus Sábháilteacht

5 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
