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Health & Safety Authority Inspections

Background: Health & Safety Authority (HSA) Inspectors undertake periodic and often unannounced inspections/visits to UCC premises.

These visits usually give rise to recommendations and correspondence, which is normally directed to the relevant Local Manager for action. Any such correspondence (whether advisory or enforcement) can provide a vital insight into health and safety performance at the location visited and, if aggregated across the University, forms an important source of information on performance at university level. It also provides Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) with the opportunity to identify and deliver strategic supports where applicable.

What: It is now mandatory that:

  • The ERM Function is notified, using the form below, of any visit by an HSA inspector to a UCC premises, regardless of whether this results in official correspondence being issued by the HSA.
  • A copy of any correspondence issued by the HSA arising from a visit to a workplace by the HSA is uploaded directly via this online portal (note that original copies must be retained by the local manager for appropriate action).


Health & Safety Office

Sláinte agus Sábháilteacht

5 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
