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Networking 2022

2022 International Networking Week

In March 2022 there was a great turnout at the 3rd International Networking Week with attendees from France, Germany, Malta, and Spain.  The week was an opportune time for networking and exchange of ideas.  New Erasmus partnerships were developed.  



It was an excellent experience to meet you all and get to know other institutions.


Thank you very much for the stay, the advice, the exchanges, the photos, the memories


We had a wonderful time at UCC and you all were exceptional hosts.


I would also like to take this opportunity to place on record my gratitude to Cork University for the perfect logistic support and guidance that the University has extended to me during the International Networking Week-2022.


Monday 28th March

  • Prof Josephine Hegarty - Head, School of Nursing and Midwifery - Welcome
  • Dr Seán Kelleher – Introduction to School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Ms Clare Murphy - International Office, University College Cork

Introductory Presentations by Attendees from France, Germany, Malta, and Spain

Tour of School & Clinical Skills Simulation Resource Centre (CSSRC) – Dr Seán Kelleher

Tour of UCC Main Campus – Visitors’ Centre Guide

Tuesday 29th March

Clinical Placement Presentations

  • Dr Caroline O’Connor – Clinical
  • Dr Anne-Marie Martin - Intellectual Disability
  • Dr Áine O’Donovan – Mental Health
  • Dr Rhona O’Connell – Midwifery
  • Ms Maria O’Shea – Children’s Integrated

Walking Tour of Cork City – Leaving from Brookfield Health Sciences Complex

Wednesday 30th March

Research Collaborations led by Prof Jonathan Drennan

Pre-Conference Symposium – “The Underrepresentation of Men in Nursing and Midwifery”                 

Thursday 31st March - Annual Research Conference

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
