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The ERiC Project (Engaging Remotely in Care).


Survey is now closed

Investigating the impact of Covid-19 visitor restrictions on family/friends of people currently living in Residential Care Facilities (RCF) to inform the development of communication solutions into the future.


  • To determine the impact of public health measures on families, guardians, and close friends of individuals in Residential Care Facilities and to develop strategies to support communication, improve knowledge transfer and enhance remote family involvement.
  • To design and pilot an ICT-based solution to support this, evaluating its clinical and economic potential.


The psychosocial and emotional impact of Covid-19 restrictive public health measures in Residential Care Facilities on visitors (namely families, guardians, and close friends) is unknown. It is also unclear what strategies are effective in supporting them to remain connected.

Our research will aid understanding of the impact of restrictions on families and will potentially improve communication between staff, residents and families. This should reduce anxiety and loneliness, enhance remote involvement in care and provide insights into how continuous public health measures can be mitigated. Findings will inform the feasibility of sustaining such measures and how the ERiC ICT interventions could minimise the impact on stakeholders and social policy

Meet the Team

The team brings together expertise from Gerontology, Research, Practice Development, Implementation Science and ICT solution design for healthcare.

Dr Nicola Cornally Senior Lecturer 

Dr Irene Hartigan Lecturer 

Dr Caroline Kilty Lecturer 

Dr Catherine Buckley Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Practice Development Lecturer St. Luke’s Nursing Home, Cork 

Dr Rónán O'Caoimh Consultant Geriatrician Mercy Hospital

Dr Caroline Dalton Lecturer 

Dr Serena FitzGerald Lecturer 

Dr Alex Vakaloudis Senior Researcher & Software Development Team Lead, Nimbus Centre

Zendra Health

Dr Tony Foley 

Dr Suzanne Timmons 

Survey Results

O'Caoimh, R., O'Donovan, M. R., Monahan, M. P., Dalton O'Connor, C., Buckley, C., Kilty, C., Fitzgerald, S., Hartigan, I. & Cornally, N. (2020). Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 Nursing Home Restrictions on Visitors of Residents With Cognitive Impairment: A Cross-Sectional Study as Part of the Engaging Remotely in Care (ERiC) Project. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1115. Link to paper

O'Caoimh, R., O'Donovan, M. R., Monahan, M. P., Dalton O'Connor, C., Buckley, C., Kilty, C., Fitzgerald, S., Hartigan, I. & Cornally, N. (2020). COVID-19: Lessons and Challenges for health care for older adults. [Oral Presentation],  EuGMS E-CongressERiC EuGMS Presentation

Communication Solutions

Phase 2 involves using the results from Phase 1 to develop an ICT solution to support and enhance remote involvement in care. The teams will be working with the Nimbus Centre in CIT and Zendra Health to design a sustainable solution.

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
