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A Two-Day Conference organised by the School of Applied Social Studies and the Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, in association with the Critical Voices Network Ireland

The conference aims to explore and debate critical perspectives on:

- Acts of resistance within and outside academic and service systems

- The impact of activism on democratising mental health care

- The importance of socio-political perspectives in understanding and responding to human distress

- Co-option of resistance into dominant systems.


Confirmed Keynote Speakers (in alphabetical order):

Kathryn Church is Director and Associate Professor in the School of Disability Studies, Canada

Jonathan Gadsby is a mental health nurse and a founder member of the Critical Mental Health Nurses’ Network, England

Lucy Johnstone is a consultant clinical psychologist, author and trainer, England

Mick McKeown is a mental health nurse, researcher and trade union activist working to build alliances with survivor groups, England

Brigit McWade is a sociologist researching and teaching aspects of mental health, England

Panel discussion with Cork activists: Rory Doody, Recovery Advocate; Joan Hamilton, Sli Eile; Mary Maddock,MindFreedomIreland; Pat Bracken, freelance critical psychiatrist.  

 Programme overview; CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES programme Overview 2016 (399kB)

This conference, now in its eighth year, is unique as it is free for all participants and it involves people from diverse backgrounds (self-experience, survivors, professionals, academics, carers) presenting, discussing and debating critical and creative perspectives on and beyond the dominant bio-medical approach. The 2010 conference saw the launch of the Critical Voices Network Ireland (CVNI), a network of people interested in considering and developing responses to human distress, which are creative, enabling, respectful and firmly grounded in human rights.

Programme details regularly updated on  and and


The Conference organisers are Lydia Sapouna, School of Applied Social Studies and Harry Gijbels, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, Ireland. 

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
