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Oct 07 Alicia Kozameh


Alicia Kozameh will speak about the role of the writer and read from her work on

Tuesday, 16th of October, 2007

O'Rahilly Building - Rm. 3.38 - 11 a.m.

Alicia Kozameh was imprisoned by the Argentine military dictatorship in September 1975 and spent three years as a political prisoner.

After her conditional release she continued to suffer repression and persecution, and was forced to go into exile in 1980; first in California and later in Mexico.

She returned to Argentina in 1984 and published her novel Pasos bajo el agua (Steps Under Water), a fictionalised account of her experiences as a political prisoner and an exile, which sold out in six months. The novel has been translated into German and English and is included in course syllabi of numerous university classes in the United States and Europe.

Following the publication of Pasos bajo el agua in 1987, Alicia was threatened by members of the Argentine political police. She returned to California for her family's safety in 1988. Since then, she has been invited by Amnesty International to participate in panel discussions, and speak at conferences about her literary works and experiences as a political prisoner. Her most recent works include her novels Patas de Avestruz (Ostrich Legs), Basse danse and 259 saltos, uno immortal (259 Leaps, the Last Immortal).

Organised by the Centre for Mexican Studies, UCC

All Welcome

Centre for Mexican Studies

Room 1.51, First Floor - Block B East, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork Ireland
