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PG Programmes - MSc HPE

MSc Health Professions' Education

MSc Health Professions' Education (Taught Masters)

This programme consists of postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma and MSc options. The programme is fully online and designed for those who are engaged in health professions’ education across a wide range of disciplines. The postgraduate certificate is the entry point and is completed in the first year. Following successful completion of this element, students can progress to the postgraduate diploma and from there to the MSc. The postgraduate diploma and MSc can be completed in year 2. The program is suitable for those in full time employment.

Further information and a link to registration is available here

Programme directors: Dr Catherine Sweeney & Dr Deirdre Bennett.

For enquiries email : 


Medical Education Unit

Room 2.59, Brookfield Health Science Complex College Road Cork, T12 AK54
