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Undergraduate Statistical Consultancy Service

Undergraduate Statistical Consulting Service

The mission of the UCC School of Medicine statistical consulting service is to promote excellence in undergraduate medical research at Cork, by providing statistical support. The service will offer undergraduate researchers statistical support in the design and analysis of basic, clinical, and translational research studies. This service will include:

  1. Consultation on the planning and design of clinical research studies. This will include sample size requirements, and determination of appropriate statistical methodology.
  2. Statistical analysis of quantitative research project data. The support staff will provide guidance to the student with respect to the type of statistical analysis most appropriate for answering their research question. They will also provide assistance with interpretation of statistical results.
  3. Preparation of statistical results for publication. They will provide support and feedback to students as they report their statistical results.



  1. All statistical queries must be initiated by the MB, BCh, BAO (Hons) undergraduate student involved in the research project. Queries from project supervisors, School of Medicine postgraduate students, or medical interns fall outside the remit of this statistical support service.
  2. The statistical consultants are available to provide guidance and feedback to students with respect to statistical analysis and reporting of project data; their role is not to conduct the analysis on behalf of the student.
  3. Each student will be permitted three online queries per academic year. If a query necessitates extensive follow-up correspondence between the statistical consultant and the student, this will count towards your allotted number of yearly queries.
  4. All queries will be addressed by our statistical consultants via online communication methods. The statistical consultants will also have scheduled in-class evening consultancy sessions during the academic year where students will be able to discuss related issues or address queries in person.

All completed consultancy query forms should be sent to

To access the applilcation form in relation to the above please click on Statistical Consultancy Service: Statistical Consultancy Service

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
