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Postgraduate Taught Programe Resources

The School of Medicine Graduate Studies committee aim to provide support and guidance to the coordinators of Postgraduate Taught Programmes. Please find links below to relevant policies and sources of information. 

If your query is not addressed with the information below please contact 

Academic Programmes and Regulations (APAR)

APAR is responsible for maintaining the University's Academic portfolio. APAR manages, oversees and guides the programme approval process for new academic programmes and changes to existing programmes/modules across the University. 

Academic Programmes and Regulations | University College Cork (

Academic Policy & Document Portal

The Academic policy and document portal is a central location for policy documentation and supporting documents relevant to the University's academic affairs.

Academic Policy and Document Portal

CIM and CIM policies (staff only)

Please see the link to the Courselead Sharepoint site. This Sharepoint site provides access to CIM programmes and CIM Modules along with training material and resources. 

Courseleaf Sharepoint site - CourseLeaf Curriculum Management System - Home (

Module Policy for CIM modules

Module Coordinator – Roles & Responsibilities 

Roles and Responsibilities of the Academic Programme Director

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
