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Procedures & Guidelines

Postgraduate Application Processes

Student Applications:

Information on the Postgraduate Taught and Research programmes can be found at the following links:

Taught Postgraduate Programmes

Postgraduate Research Programmes


New applications to taught postgraduate programmes are reviewed by the programme team.

New applications for research postgraduate programmes applications are reviewed and approved by RPAC and the School of Medicine Executive/Heads of Departments committee meeting.


An overview of the review process for Research applications from application through to final approval is available here: SoM CRM PG flowchart. Please note when making an application to a Research programme it can take up to three months from application to final approval. 

Postgraduate Research Programmes

The UCC Graduate Studies Office provide full information on Postgrad Research Options, however here we list some helpful information, documents and links.

All applications to a Postgraduate Research programme must consider the timelines involved in the application process. A new CRM application with all paperwork completed correctly should allow up to 3 months for the process to be completed. 


Moving to Cork

The CoMH Postgraduate Student Committee have put together a booklet with useful information for students moving to Cork Graduate Students Coming to Cork


Entry Criteria:

Programme Academic requirement
PhD, MRes 2H1 primary degree
MD 2H1 in Medical degree
MSc 2H primary degree

The qualification comparison list helps to determine if an existing qualification is sufficient to apply for a place on a desired programme.


Language Requirement:

All applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of English language proficiency. All programmes within the School of Medicine require an IELTS score of 6.5, achieving a minimum of 6.0 in each individual section

To view the minimum English language requirements currently accepted at University College Cork please click here


Supervision of Postgraduate Research students:

Each research student (Masters or Doctoral) requires supervision by experienced members of academic or research staff who are responsible for the overall direction of the student's research programme, manage adminstrative issues relating to the student's registration and progress, and support the student in preparation for examination and publications of their thesis.  


PhD Coursework:

From October 2013 all incoming PhD/PhD track students will be registering for a structured PhD. (Please see the link for the UCC Structured PhD - Compulsory Requirements ) 

As part of this a Training Needs Analysis must be completed with the supervisory team, leading to development of a Research Student Learning Plan detailing the agreed development goals for each student, based around the IUA PhD Skills Statement. 

Students are expected to complete modules relevant to their background and area of research (which may include academic modules) and activities, to a minimum value of 15 credits. The list of postgraduate training modules are available here.


Progress Reviews:

All registered research students in UCC undergo a formal review, at least annually, by the relevant local Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). The Progress review flowchart gives an overview of the annual review process and the adjudication process for a PhD student. The full Progress Review Policy for Research Students can be found here

Please note that a completed and signed Progress Review must accompany all requests for an extension.

Research Registration Change Request Form

During the course of completing a postgraduate research programme it may be necessary for a student to request a change to their registration. This can take the form of a change of supervisors, an extension to the timeline, a request for a Leave of Absence, etc. - these changes require the completion of a Research Registration Change Request Form   

The UCC Graduate Studies office provides a full list of the registration change requests, along with a selection of useful guides for Research Students and UCC research policies.

Please note that Non-standard applications and applications that result in a change to the timeline require approval by RPAC, School of Medicine Executives/Head of Departments committee and the College of Medicine and Health Graduate Studies.


Common Errors in Completing the Research Registration Change Request form

  • Change to Supervisors:

When requesting a change to supervisors (addition or removal of a supervisor) it is important when completing the form to list all current supervisors and list all proposed supervisors.

  • An Extension:

When requesting an extension please note the application must be accomplanied with a completed and signed Progress Review.

It is important when making an extension request that the timelines involved are taken into consideration as such requests within the School of Medicine must be reviewed by RPAC, the School of Medicine Executives/Head of Department meeting and the College of Medicine and Health Graduate Committee.   

  • Signatures:

When completing the Research Registration Change Request form All Supervisors, Advisors and Heads of Departments must sign the form. 

The Head of Department of every supervisor must sign the approval statement

Please note this is a university-wide form, in the School of Medicine this is to be signed by the Head of Department and not tthe Head of School

  • Incomplete sections:

Submitting the Research Registration Change request form with incomplete sections will cause a delay in the processing of applications. Applications cannot be reviewed until all sections are completed in full.

Roadmap to success Postgraduate Research Students in CoMH

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
