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DEM 3/GEM 2 - Student Selected Module

Please contact Emma O Reilly ( if you have any queries relating to Dem3.Gem2 SSM's.

DEM 3/GEM 2 Student Selected Modules - All Modules are 5 credit modules.


AN3000 Advanced Anatomical Skills 

DR3037 Drama for Medicine

IP3008 Palliative Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach

IS3101 Health Information Systems and e-Health 

MX3001 Maritime Medicine

MX3005 Creative writing for Medical students

MX3006 Student Selected Special Study Module in Medicine  

MX3016 Teaching and learning in Medicine

MX3017 Preparing for the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1

MX3022 Research for Medicine and Health

PM3090 Genetic Research in Human Disease

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
