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Professor Conor Deasy

Emergency Medicine; Healthcare, Education and Research Delivery

Inaugural lecture Professor Conor Deasy 


Wednesday 16th February, 2:00pm – 3:00pm



Emergency Medicine is a population-based specialty and is the only specialty that serves as the safety net for those with illness, injuries, socioeconomic barriers to care, and conditions that require care 24/7/365. The WHO consider it as the cornerstone of response to acute illness and injury, even in countries with very limited resources. It attracts the brightest medical graduates attracted to the dynamic, diverse, solution orientated, multidisciplinary delivery of emergency care. During this presentation, you will get insights from the front line. You will hear about the evolving healthcare landscape in Ireland and globally, how it relates to emergency care delivery and how this informs the formation of medical and paramedical students and post-graduate students and trainees so they can best serve our patients. The challenges and opportunities associated with creating new knowledge to enhance emergency care delivery will be discussed.   


Conor is the newly appointed Professor of Emergency Medicine, University College Cork and Clinical Director, Unscheduled Care working at Cork University Hospital (CUH). He also holds the following roles:

  • Clinical Lead for the South Trauma Network
  • Clinical Lead for National Office of Clinical Audit’s (NOCA) Major Trauma Audit in Ireland
  • President elect Irish Association of Emergency Medicine (IAEM)
  • Examiner for the Royal College of Emergency Medicine
  • Associate Adjunct Professor at the School of Primary Care, Monash University, Australia.
  • Deputy Medical Director of the National Ambulance Service from 2014 - 2020


Conor completed his higher specialist training program in Emergency Medicine in Ireland before moving to Australia where he worked as a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the Alfred Emergency and Trauma Centre, Melbourne. While there he completed a PhD at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University in collaboration with Ambulance Victoria. To date Conor has published across the domains of patient safety, quality of care, systems of care, procedural sedation, trauma care as well as out of hospital cardiac arrest.


Qualifications MB, BAO, BCH, BMedSc, DCH, DIMC, Dip Tox, MRCSA&E Ed, FCEM, FACEM, PhD.





College of Medicine and Health

Coláiste an Leighis agus na Sláinte

3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
