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Policies and Procedures

You can find the full listing of UCC’s academic policy and document portal. This portal contains important policies and other support documentation relevant to the University’s academic affairs. These webpages are managed and maintained by Academic Affairs and Governance.

Useful Links to Policies & Procedures for Postgraduate Students

UCC Policy on the Supervision of Research Students

This document outlines the guiding principles of research supervision in UCC and provides details of definitions, roles and responsibilities of the Student, Supervisory Team and Unit.

Policy on the Supervision of Research Students.pdf

Learning Plan 

The Research Learning Plan is a document that must be drafted and agreed between the Student and the Supervisory Team within the first three months of the programme and is updated following each Research Progress Review. This Research Learning Plan must include, at a minimum, details on the frequency of meetings (minimum of 10 recorded meetings per annum for full time students and 5 for part-time), expectations, objectives and related timelines, dates of annual progress reviews, module requirements.

Research Learning Plan

Annual Progress Review

All postgraduate research students registered for more than 1 year must undergo an annual Progress Review. This review focuses on evidence of progress to date and plans for the next academic year.

Annual Progress Review

English Language Requirements

All postgraduate applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of English language proficiency.

Postgraduate English Language Entry Requirements

Procedures for the Submission and Examination of Theses for Doctoratus Philosophiae (PhD).

These regulations detail the roles of candidates, examiners and the independent chair to understand their contributions to, and roles in, the examination and the general procedures operated by the University.

PhD Regulations April 2021 PDF

Procedures for Submission and Examination of Theses for Practitioner Degrees

These regulations detail the roles of candidates, examiners and the independent chair to understand their contributions to, and roles in, the examination and the general procedures operated by the University.

Practitioner Regulations April 2021 PDF

Procedures for Submission and Examination of Theses for Doctoratus in Medicina (MD)

These regulations detail the roles of candidates, examiners and the independent chair to understand their contributions to, and roles in, the examination and the general procedures operated by the University.

MD Regulations April 2021 PDF

Procedures for the Submission and Examination of Theses for Research Master Degree

These regulations detail the roles of candidates and examiners to understand their contributions to, and roles in, the examination and the general procedures operated by the University.

Research Masters Regulations April 2021 PDF

How to resolve difficulties as a postgraduate research student

This policy governs the resolution of any difficulties arising during the course of study for a postgraduate research degree.

Resolution Policy PDF

For all change requests Research students can use the Research Registration Change Request Form if you want to:

  1. Change to Full-Time/Part-Time 
  2. Change of Start Date
  3. Change of Approved Number of Years of Study
  4. Change/Addition of Supervisor/Advisor
  5. Major Change of Thesis Title
  6. Change of Research Subject Area
  7. Change/Additional of Module (Thematic PhD only)
  8. Leave of Absence
  9. Extension (for PhD students who do not complete within 6 years from the approved start date (not COVID-19 related))
  10. Change of Programme:
    1. Transfer from MPhil/Med/MSocSc to PhD
    2. Transfer from Masters by Research to PhD
    3. Transfer from PhD Track to PhD
    4. Transfer from MD to PhD
    5. Transfer from PhD to Masters by Research


College of Medicine and Health

Coláiste an Leighis agus na Sláinte

3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
