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Postgraduate Research Student Awards 2024

Call for Nominations 2024

This Awards Scheme celebrates the outstanding achievements of Postgraduate Research Students in the College of Medicine and Health. It provides a formal process to recognise the achievements, efforts, and valuable contributions of our students.

There are 5 research award categories recognising the achievements of both Doctoral and MSc (research) students at the College of Medicine and Health in UCC in each category.


  • All Doctoral (PhD and MD) and MSc (research) students registered in the College of Medicine and Health.
  • Self-nominations and nominations by CoMH peers and supervisors are accepted.
  • UCC Staff members, current and/or past postgraduate research students in CoMH are invited to submit nominations.
  • Individuals can be nominated for more than one award.
  • Each nominator can support one PGR student only per category.


Nomination is through the following links:

Postgraduate Researcher of the Year Award

Public Engagement Award

Publication of the Year Award

Outstanding Peer of the Year Award

Promotion of Equality and Diversity Award


Nomination deadline extended to 5pm on Friday 3rd May 2024.

Late nominations will not be accepted. A selection panel will review the nominations based on activities between October 2022 and September 2023. Successful awardees will be announced in June 2024.


Postgraduate Researcher of the Year Award

This award recognises outstanding contribution by a postgraduate research (PGR) student (doctoral or MSc) in their research field.

Evaluation Criteria:

This award will be presented to a PGR student who demonstrates outstanding achievements in the following:

  • Attainment and consistency of high-level research achievements for a period appropriate to stage of postgraduate studies (e.g. publications, awards).
  • Demonstration of a commitment and capacity to communicate the nature and impact of their research both within and beyond academia (conferences, outreach activities, community, or industry engagement).
  • Evidence of engagement with external stakeholders and the community (if applicable).
  • Demonstration of potential to become an inspiring leader.

Nomination is through the following link:

Postgraduate Researcher of the Year Award (

Public Engagement Award

This award recognises the contribution by a PGR student who has taken an active approach in communicating and engaging with the public to maximise the impact of their research.

Evaluation Criteria:

This award will be presented to a PGR student who demonstrates outstanding achievements in the following:

  • Effective communication of the relevance and impact of their research beyond academia.
  • Demonstration of the use of innovative methods to communicate research in both an understandable and engaging fashion.
  • Involvement of the public in research (public-patient involvement, co-creation, citizen science)
  • Evidence of raising public awareness of the value of their research to society and/or to influencing policy.
  • Demonstrated commitment to sustainable community engagement programmes and partnerships.

Nomination is through the following link:

Public Engagement Award

Publication of the Year Award

This award is for the best publication by a PGR student as a first author (or joint authors if joint first) from work undertaken while registered as a postgraduate student in the College of Medicine and Health. Publications include, but are not limited to, research article(s), review articles(s) and book chapter(s).

Evaluation Criteria:

This award will be presented to a PGR student who has authored a publication demonstrating:

  • A health-related or scientific breakthrough.
  • A transformative discovery for societal and/or health impact.
  • Priority will be given to primary research articles.

Nomination is through the following link:

Publication of the Year Award

Outstanding Peer of the Year Award

This award recognises a PGR student who consistently displays characteristics valued and appreciated by other students and colleagues.

Evaluation Criteria:

This award will be presented to a PGR student who demonstrates outstanding achievements in the following:

  • A spirit of collaboration, collegiality, and kindness.
  • A willingness to assist and support colleagues and/or other students that is above and beyond expectations.
  • Contributions which have made a positive impact on morale within the research team, department/unit, UCC and beyond.

Nomination is through the following link:

Outstanding Peer of the Year Award

Promotion of Equality and Diversity Award

This award recognises a PGR student who has demonstrated an active commitment to promoting equality and diversity in their research activities. 

Evaluation Criteria:

This award will be presented to a PGR student who demonstrates outstanding achievements in the following:

  • Evidence of encouraging inclusive participation and eliminating discrimination.
  • Evidence of activities promoting equality and diversity.
  • Commitment to the values of equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging beyond the expectations of their role/project.

Nomination is through the following link:

Promotion of Equality and Diversity Award

College of Medicine and Health

Coláiste an Leighis agus na Sláinte

3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
