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Careers in Mathematical Sciences

The mathematical sciences have long been recognised as providing the fundamental underpinning of science and technology. Today the central role of the mathematical sciences extends far beyond the physical sciences and engineering into business and finance, information and communication technologies, the biosciences, medicine and the social sciences.Because the mathematical sciences apply to so many branches of human endeavour, the career opportunities open to mathematical sciences graduates in general are correspondingly very varied. Mathematical sciences graduates have skills in problem solving, problem analysis, modelling, computing, data analysis and communication which are highly valued by employers in general. Consequently, they do well in the employment market.

In recent times the main growth area for career opportunities for mathematical graduates, not only in Ireland, but world-wide, has been in the financial services industry. Graduates of the Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science degree can aspire to stimulating careers with high earnings and professional status in the financial services industry.

Examples of other areas in which mathematical sciences graduates obtain employment are:

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Software/computing/information and communication technologies
  • Engineering industries (e.g., electronics, aerospace, automobile)
  • Geophysical prospecting
  • Management consulting
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries
  • Government (official statistics, weather forecasting)
  • Research (scientific, social, economic, engineering, computing, industrial, fisheries)
  • Teaching in secondary schools and universities.
  • Financial institutions


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Careers in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science

In recent years there has been a world-wide growth in the career opportunities for mathematical sciences graduates in the financial services sector. This degree programme focuses on the mathematics and statistics required for such careers, while at the same time providing a well-rounded mathematical education.

Examples of other areas in which Graduates in Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science obtain employment are:

  • Trainee Actuaries with Insurance & Pension Firms
  • Actuarial & Statistical Consultancy
  • MSc and PhD candidates in Maths, Stats, Financial Maths, Biostatistics
  • Traders
  • Investment Banking
  • Quantitative Analysts
  • Hedge Fund Analysts
  • Treasury
  • Teaching


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Employers of recent graduates

  • Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Cork & Dublin
  • Investors Bank and Trust, Dublin
  • Irish Life & Permanent, Dublin
  • Hibernian Insurance, Dublin
  • Watson Wyatt, UK
  • DPM Mellon, Dublin
  • Canada Life, Dublin
  • Bank of Scotland Ireland, Dublin
  • Halifax Insurance, Shannon
  • Zurich Insurance Ireland, Dublin
  • Friends First Ltd., Dublin
  • New Ireland Insurance, Dublin
  • Bank of Ireland Treasury, Dublin
  • Capita Life & Pensions, Dublin
  • Hewitt’s Associates, Cork
  • Finaref Insurance Ltd, Dublin


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School of Mathematical Sciences

Eolaíochtaí Matamaiticiúla

Room 1-57, First Floor floor, T12 XF62
