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Conference Programme

Conference Programme

Conference Programme
DAY 1: Thursday 5th December 2019
12:00 Pre-conference workshops
15:00 Pre-conference workshops
17:00 Evening reception, Glucksman Gallery
DAY 2: Friday 6th December 2019
8:30 Registration
9:30 Welcome address
9:45 Opening keynote
10:30 Morning coffee and networking
11:00 Parallel Sessions
12:30 Network incubation
13:00 Networking lunch
14:00 Panel Discussions
15:00 Parallel Sessions (including coffee break)
17:00 Closing keynote

 Further information is available here on Day 1 (Workshops) and Day 2 (Presentations).


Join ICLAN! 

(Launch of the International Connected Learning Action Network (ICLAN)

This inaugural event will also mark the launch of an international network aimed at advancing interdisciplinary, research-led, innovations in higher education, developing rich partnerships for collaboration. The purposes of ICLAN will be to push the boundaries of research related to the conference themes, and pursue clusters for large collaborative funding grants and other high impact activities.


Learning Connections

Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), The West Lodge, University College Cork, Ireland , T12 YN60
