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13th February 2016 - Mono

Mono - Dr Frank van Pelt, 13 February 2016

Frank van Pelt, AIPF AFIAP 

Mono (meaning single, alone) is a photographic exhibition of monochrome images by Frank van Pelt, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, UCC.

Frank’s interest in photography began as a student, in the ‘analogue’ era, and during that time he explored various aspects of photography including creative darkroom techniques. Af-ter a lengthy break from photography he returned to ‘serious’ photography some ten years ago, entering the digital age.

Frank is largely self-taught and his interests include close-ups and still lives at various levels of abstraction, as well as sports and travel photography.

The photos in this exhibition include Frank’s successful panel submitted to the Irish Photo-graphic Federation for the Associateship distinction (AIPF) in 2012. The Associateship is the second highest distinction awarded by the IPF and requires the photographer to demonstrate evidence of creative ability, a high standard of technical competence as well as strong personal style.

Frank has also regularly taken part in international exhibitions (a competitive process) and was awarded the Artist of the International Federation of Photographic Art distinction
(AFIAP) in 2015 for achieving more than 60 acceptances in over 15 international salons.

Frank is very grateful to the members of Cork Camera Group for their assistance and support to enable this exhibition.


The Jennings Gallery

Áiléar Jennings

College of Medicine and Health, Brookfield Health and Science Complex, College Rd, UCC
