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about Cuig Artists

About the Artists

The CUIG Artists

Brid Heffernan  |  Stephen Murray  |  Angela Burchill  | Franky Burton Ailbhe Barret (not shown in photo)

Arts related employment:
The Artists have been employed as artist in residence at Mayfield Community Arts Centre under the Community Services Programme since March 2009.

Attending the launch

Michelle Whooley, Mayfield Arts Centre, Nuala Keating and Tita Quinan from L'Arche with Ted Owens CEO, City of Cork VEC enjoy the event

All artworks for sale

The exhibition continues on until Aug 6th

Opening night

The exhbition was launched on July 1st 2010

Patrons enjoy themselves

Many friends and family members gave a good show of support to the artists

Through the eyes of a child

Ciala McGovern marvels at the colourful works of art

News Articles collection

NewsArticles Click on to see news published articles about the exhibition

The Jennings Gallery

Áiléar Jennings

College of Medicine and Health, Brookfield Health and Science Complex, College Rd, UCC
