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2 Jul 2010 Intersection - Cuig Artists


Jennings Gallery, in association with the Disability Support Services, UCC, will host -- an exhibition of work by five artists from Mayfield Arts, Newbury House's CÚIG  programme 

The CUIG Artists: Ailbhe BarretAngela BurchilleFranky BurtonBrid Heffernan & Stephen Murray

about Cuig Artists

Adi Roche and Prof Geraldine McCarthy

Adi Roche known for her humanitarian work with Chernobyl Children’s Project International and Prof Geraldine McCarthy the Acting Head of College of Medicine & Health at UCC open the launch

Stephen Murray, Artist

Stephen Murray standing before his artwork

Adi Roche, Franky Burton, Artist Angela Burchill,


The resounding message delivered over by these works is that, given an integrated and inclusive environment, based on the principle of multiple intelligences, learning and excellence can be achieved irrespective of disability

Adi Roche with UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy and Prof Helen Whelton.

UCC President Michael Murphy welcomes Adi Roche to the Jennings Gallery supported by Prof Helen Whelton

Laura Wade of Mayfield Arts Centre with Brid Heffernan, Artist

Mayfield Commumity Arts Centre is committed to these principles, providing accessible integrated community arts projects with a focus on participation, training and employment.

Adi Roche & Michael Hanna, Chair of Jennings Gallery Committee

The launch was well attended with very inspiring speech from Adi Roche.

Adi Roche with Jessica Carson of Mayfield Arts Centre

The Cúig project shows how people with disabilities can make a real difference in their community and can contribute to the cultural development of our city.

The Jennings Gallery

Áiléar Jennings

College of Medicine and Health, Brookfield Health and Science Complex, College Rd, UCC
