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This page provides access to the annexes that are pertaining to Report 1. Please see the below table to download each annex: 

Report 1 Annexes Description

Annex 1: Additional Submissions Contributing to the Exposition of the PRD

Annex 1 includes submissions from various groups and committees which contribute to the conversation about the PRD, discussed in Chapter 5. When these contributions were included in Chapter 5 itself, it was felt that they compromised its flow and clarity. As such, they have been included here in Annex 1 for readers who wish to delve further into the development of the PRD.

Annex 2: Mapping Preventive Restructuring Frameworks and the PRD: Questionnaire

Annex 2 provides access to the project jurisdiction questionnaire. This questionnaire was designed to map preventive restructuring frameworks in a selection of member states where restructuring was more advanced as compared with others. For this comparison the questionnaire included contributors from Ireland, Italy and Romania, (these are also Member States who have partnered on the project) and contributors from several other Member States: Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom. 

The purpose of this mapping exercise was to firstly determine what preventive restructuring frameworks are already present in the contributing jurisdictions and how they relate to the terms of the Preventive Restructuring DirectiveSecondlythe mapping exercise sought to determine existing rules in member states, in addition to those in the Directive regarding key areas of interest for the project. In addition, the Questionnaire focuses on a number of emerging procedural issues which also may present obstacles to co-operation.  

Annex 3: Contributor Responses to Jurisdiction Questionnaire

Please see the Country Reports for access to the contributor responses to the questionnaire.

Annex 4: Bibliography of JCOERE Report 1

Annex 4 provides access to the bibliography for Report 1. 

JCOERE (Judicial Co-Operation supporting Economic Recovery in Europe) Project

Professor Irene Lynch Fannon, School of Law, University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND , T12 CC79

JCOERE Partners
