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Cities in Conflict

Cities in Conflict: Urban Space and Violence

An International Conference of the Cross-Disciplinary Urban Space Network
17-18 June 2019
University College Cork
Organizers: Silvia Ross (UCC) and Giulio Giovannoni (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

What happens to the urban fabric when conflict occurs? How does the built environment reflect, work against, or attempt to contain conflict? How are war and conflict in urban space represented? Can the literary or artistic representation of conflict in the urban sphere help us understand the dynamics of violence? Can we refer to urban spaces of trauma as ‘wounded cities’ (Till)? What role does symbolic violence play in spatial narratives and in urban policy-making? This conference aims to explore conflict, both manifest and systemic (Demmers) and its effects on the cityscape and the human and non-human subject. As part of the ‘Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Urban Space’ network, this international conference investigates the ways in which different disciplines engage with the question of conflict in urban space, in areas ranging from architecture, urban planning, literature, film studies, geography, history, linguistics, philosophy, art history, sociology, drama and theatre studies,  anthropology, among others.


The ‘Cities in Conflict’ conference has four major goals:

  1. to advance the debate on urban space and conflict from different disciplinary perspectives, taking into account their mutual influence;
  2. to explore theoretical perspectives, as well as theoretically-informed case studies on conflict in urban space in a comparative context;
  3. to enhance critical awareness about the complex and problematic (political, social, economic, cultural etc.) effects of architecture and urban design with respect to conflict, whether manifest or systemic;
  4. to extend the network of scholars interested in investigating urban space from different disciplinary perspectives already initiated with the seminar “Crossdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Space” held in the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence in the 2014 spring semester and the annual conferences organized in Florence  (2016; 2018) and Cork ( 2017). 

CfP Cities in Conflict (PDF)



The provisional conference programme can be downloaded here. Provisional Programme

A book of abstracts and the finalized programme will be distributed to registered participants at the conference itself.



All participants and attendees must pay the fee of €25 which covers the two days and is used to defray catering and administration. Registration is online only; we will not be in a position to accept cash on the days of the conference itself. Please register using the link below at your earliest convenience and no later than Sunday, 9 June 2019.


QR Code if registering with a mobile device:



The conference dinner will be held on Monday, 17 June at 7.30 at Market Lane, a lovely restaurant in the city centre specializing in locally-sourced foods

Cost is €35 (which covers 10% service charge and administrative costs) and those who wish to attend must pay in advance via the registration portal Individuals will be responsible for any additional orders plus the 10% service charge on extra orders on the night. Follow is a link to a sample menu, although this may change somewhat: Dinner



We do not have accommodation associated with the conference so participants should make their own arrangements as soon as possible, as June falls within the tourist season. There are numerous B&Bs and hotels in close proximity to UCC (e.g. on Western Road). UCC Visitor information is available here:


If you wish to book accommodation through the university, the best thing to do is to email  for the attention of Michelle Devaney, asking her to book you a room in University Hall for the 'Cities in Conflict' conference running on 17-18 June 2019. If you provide her with your exact dates, she can give details, although availability is limited. The accommodation costs €55 per person per night and consists of a double bedroom with en suite toilet within a 3/4 bedroom self-catering apartment; the bedrooms are separate but the common living and kitchen areas would be shared with other conference delegates.



Campus maps and information on travel to UCC can be found here:



Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
