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Staff Services

Staff Services

  • Multifactor Authentication: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an extra layer of security for your University logon account, it augments the thing you “know” (your username and password) with additional authentication factors, and is used to prevent others from accessing your account, even if they know your password.
  • Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork which you can use on your PC, Mac, or mobile device. It is available to Staff and Students. External users can be added to a team as a guest user.
  • CRM Software: CRM software helps businesses better manage engagement with its constituents as well as providing a customisable platform to support streamlining of its business processes
  • External Hosting of Personal Data: A service to ensure the safekeeping of UCC personal data when it is hosted externally.
  • File Sender: Filesender allows us to upload and send files of up to 2GB in size for non-HTML5 browsers. It also enables users to send encrypted files within UCC, or provide a guest voucher for vendors outside UCC to send encrypted files to staff within UCC.
  • Google Drive: This service provides a cloud storage facility for UCC staff and students to store and share work files.
  • Google Meet: This service provides a facility for UCC staff and students to hold video meetings.
  • Information Protection - AIP: Microsoft Azure Information Protection - AIP - enables you to protect documents on your computer before sharing them, and also enables you to protect emails in Outlook before sending them.
  • Learning Technologies: The mission of the Learning Technologies Unit is to stimulate and support the development of electronic course delivery in UCC.
  • Media Hosting: Users can upload their original videos using an easy-to-use upload form.
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IT Services Department

Seirbhísí TF

Room 3.34, 3rd floor, T12 YN60
