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The Purpose of Accessibility Statements

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On this page, we will explore the purpose and significance of accessibility statements, and why they are crucial for creating an inclusive digital environment. By understanding the importance of accessibility and the benefits it brings to all users, you will gain valuable insights into the value of implementing and maintaining comprehensive accessibility statements.

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What Is the Key Purpose?

The key purposes of accessibility statements include:

  • Demonstrating the progress an organisation has made in ensuring all users can have equality of access regarding digital inclusivity,
  • Enabling users to anticipate potential barriers and,
  • Providing a clear mechanism for feedback, support or complaints.

Why Do We Need an Accessibility Statement?

  • You are legally required to prepare and maintain a comprehensive accessibility statement.
  • The process of creating an accessibility statement ensures you test your platforms / content and understand the barriers that exist for disabled users.
  • An official statement defining digital accessibility is a declaration of the organisation's commitment to digital inclusivity.
  • An accessibility statement helps disabled users anticipate problems they may encounter and get support in a timely manner.

Who Will the Accessibility Statement Benefit?

  • The accessibility statement will benefit all those who use your digital platforms. They can be informed of the accessibility strengths that will benefit them and they can anticipate any barriers they may encounter.
  • The process of constructing an accessibility statement helps the organisation understand existing barriers and plan a road map for improvement.

Where Should We Publish It?

It is essential that your accessibility statement is highly visible. A link to the accessibility statement should be prominently placed on the homepage of the website or on every web page e.g. header or footer. For mobile applications the statement should be located as prescribed by law and/or in the mobile application.

Why Are Accessibility Statements Important?

  • Show your users that you care about accessibility and about them.
  • Provide them with information about the accessibility of your content.
  • Demonstrate commitment to accessibility, and to social responsibility. 
  • Provide a clear feedback/complaints mechanism to improve the users experience of disabled users.

Inclusive UCC

First Floor, The Hub, Main Campus, UCC, T12 YF78
