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Lá na Scoileanna Gaeilge

Every year, Professor Pádraig Ó Macháin, the Director of the Centre for Spoken Irish, invites the Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht primary schools of Cork to UCC to celebrate the important work these schools do in promoting and developing the Irish language.

Nuala de Búrca, a tutor in the Centre for Spoken Irish, organizes a trip around the university for the visiting schools as well as a celebration with speeches and music afterwards in the Aula Maxima. The Centre for Spoken Irish wishes to create a link with these primary schools and to strengthen this special link between the first and third level in education.

Lá na Scoileanna Gaeilge 2024

Lá na Scoileanna Gaeilge was held in the Aula Maxima in University College Cork on Thursday, 23 May 2024. The President of UCC, Professor John O’ Halloran, welcomed the teachers and pupils from the following schools on the day:

  • Gaelscoil an Chaisleáin, Ballincollig
  • Gaelscoil Charraig Uí Leighin, Carrigaline
  • Gaelscoil na Dúglaise, Douglas
  • Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann, Midleton
  • Gaelscoil Pheig Sayers, Farranferris
  • Gaelscoil Uí Riada, Wilton
  • Gaelscoil Uí Ríordáin, Balincollig
  • Scoil Chúil Aodha Barr d'Inse, Cúil Aodha.

Everyone who was in attendance enjoyed their day.

Contact Details

Nuala de Búrca
Organizer of Lá na Scoileanna Gaeilge

Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha

Centre for Spoken Irish

Room ORB G02, O'Rahilly Building, College Road, Cork
