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Conversational Irish Course for Students Interested in Primary Teaching

Course Summary

This interactive course will focus on the following:

  • Helping students to communicate fluently and clearly through the medium of Irish.
  • Information will be made available relating to Irish language activities and events.
  • Provide information regarding the Oral Irish examinations that are held for those applying for a place in Primary Teaching Training Colleges.

This course is aimed at students who are interested in primary school teaching as a career.  The students will have a good standard of Irish (H4 in Leaving Cert Irish or its equivalent).  This course is not suited to students who are studying Irish as an academic subject.  We recommend the Irish Course for Students for students who do not meet the above criteria.




Contact Details

Karol Coleman
Course Administrator

Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha

Centre for Spoken Irish

Room ORB G02, O'Rahilly Building, College Road, Cork
