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Dún Chíomháin


Dún Chíomháin is a university centre which is part of University College Cork. It is situated close to the town of Ballyferriter, Co. Kerry.  It is located in the Corca Dhuibhne Gaeltacht and the beauty of the landscape as well as the Irish language and culture that can be found in the region attract many people to visit the area every year. The Dún is in use as a university unit since 1974. The hall, or Halla Cheaibhin as it is better known, was previously used a dance hall and a picture hall. Locals have many fond recollections of when the Dún was owned by Seán Ceaibhin and his wife Neilí, when it was used as a shop, a guest-house and as both a dance and public hall. The hall was recently renovated as a learning unit with movable and flexible equipment.   

Many people use the Dún each year including staff and students of University College Cork, people who live in the Corca Dhuibhne Gaeltacht and other Gaeltacht regions, people from all over Ireland and even people from abroad.


  • Accommodation in the form of a hostel for up to 18 people (two or three people in every room)
  • Modern kitchen
  • Dining room
  • Sitting room/library
  • Fully fitted apartment which is wheelchair accessible
  • A learning unit with workstations and video-conferencing facilities
  • Fibre-optic broadband
  • Seminar/Lecture Room
  • Carpark and an area to sit outside

An Halla in Dún Chíomháin

An Halla in Dún Chíomháin was upgraded during the academic year of 2017-2018 to bring it in line with the needs of the 21st century learner.  Instead of the fixed computer lab which had been there since the end of the previous century, it has been fitted out with moveable and flexible equipment and furniture which are directed at the e-learning approaches associated with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), and which encourage a student centred approach to teaching and learning. This new age learning space encompasses all aspects of the modern approach to teaching and learning insofar as it facilitates individual learning, group learning, informal learning, and the traditional lecture: at the same time as providing students with a social area with a strong climate conducive to the learning process. The principles of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) were firmly applied to the design and construction of this learning space.

Mr. Joe McHugh, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, offically opened An Halla on 19 June 2018 in the company of UCC President, Prof Patrick O'Shea at an event which was attended by the communities of Corca Dhuibhne and UCC.

Travelling to Dún Chíomháin

If you do not have access to a car, you can get a bus or a train to Tralee and then you can transfer to the bus to Dingle. On occasion a bus may even travel as far as Ballyferriter. There is a good taxi service in the region too.

The Surrounding Region

There are many restaurants and pubs nearby. Traditional music can be found in various different pubs in the region. It is worth visiting the Great Blasket Island and The Blasket Centre in Dún Chaoin to get an insight on the lives of the people who lived on the island up until 1954. If you are interested in walking, there are many amazing tracks and trails in the vicinity such as Cosán na Naomh, The Dingle Way and Heritage Walks. You can walk on these routes on your own or you can be accompanied by a guide. Many historical and archaeological sites can be found in the area too. If you are interested in water sports you can avail of sailing classes or you could even go kayaking.


Contact Details

Caitríona Budhlaeir, Susan Feirtéar
Managers of Dún Chíomháin
Co. Kerry
T: +353 (0) 66 9156136
E: or

Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha

Centre for Spoken Irish

Room G02, O'Rahilly Building, College Road, Cork
