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Peer-reviewed Research Journal Papers, by Lead Author

Progress in Demand Response, And Its Industrial Application

SM Siddiquee, B Howard, K Bruton, A Brem, DTJ O'Sullivan

Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 330



Methodology for Data-Informed Process Improvement to Enable Automated Manufacturing in Current Manual Processes

MM Adrita, A Brem, D O’Sullivan, E Allen, K Bruton

Applied Sciences 11 (9), 3889


A Systematic Mapping of the Advancing Use of Machine Learning Techniques for Predictive Maintenance in the Manufacturing Sector

M Nacchia, F Fruggiero, A Lambiase, K Bruton

Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2546


Demand response in smart grid–A systematic mapping study

SMS Siddiquee, B Howard, DTJ O’Sullivan, K Bruton

2020 2nd International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems …


Systematic Mapping Study of Digitization and Analysis of Manufacturing Data

R Clancy, M Ahern, D O’Sullivan, K Bruton

International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 14 (9), 717-731


How do companies certified to ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 perform in LEED and BREEAM assessments?

A Brem, DÓ Cusack, MM Adrita, DTJ O'Sullivan, K Bruton

Energy Efficiency 13, 751-766


Development of a Decision Support System to Enable Adaptive Manufacturing

MM Adrita, A Brem, P O’Neill, E Gorman, D O’Sullivan, K Bruton

ASTM International 4 (2), 146-162


Methodology for Digitally Logging and Analyzing Manufacturing Issues Encountered on a Factory Floor

A Duffy, K Bruton, R Harrington, A Brem, D O’Sullivan

ASTM International 4 (2)


Industrial smart and micro grid systems–A systematic mapping study

A Brem, MM Adrita, DTJ O’Sullivan, K Bruton

Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118828


A case-study in the introduction of a digital twin in a large-scale smart manufacturing facility

J O’Sullivan, D O’Sullivan, K Bruton

Procedia Manufacturing 51, 1523-1530


A comparison of fog and cloud computing cyber-physical interfaces for Industry 4.0 real-time embedded machine learning engineering applications

P O’Donovan, C Gallagher, K Leahy, DTJ O’Sullivan

Computers in industry 110, 12-35


IntelliMaV: A cloud computing measurement and verification 2.0 application for automated, near real-time energy savings quantification and performance deviation detection

CV Gallagher, K Leahy, P O’Donovan, K Bruton, DTJ O’Sullivan

Energy and Buildings 185, 26-38




From M&V to M&T: An artificial intelligence-based framework for real-time performance verification of demand-side energy savings

CV Gallagher, P O’Donovan, K Leahy, K Bruton, DTJ O’Sullivan

2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …


Colm V. Gallagher, Kevin Leahy, Peter O'Donovan, Ken Bruton, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "IntelliMaV: A cloud computing measurement and verification 2.0 application for automated, near real-time energy savings quantification and performance deviation detection", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 185, Pages 26-38, (2019),  doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.12.034


Peter O'Donovan, Colm V. Gallagher, Ken Bruton, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "A fog computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning Industry 4.0 applications", Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 15, Pages 139-148, (2018), doi:10.1016/j.mfglet.2018.01.005


Colm V. Gallagher, Ken Bruton, Kevin Leahy, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Development and application of a machine learning supported methodology for measurement and verification (M&V) 2.0", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 167, Pages 8-22, (2018), doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.02.023


Kevin Leahy, Colm V. Gallagher, Peter O'Donovan, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages", IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 12(10) (2018), doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2017.0422


Kevin Leahy, Colm V. Gallagher, Peter O'Donovan, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "A robust prescriptive framework and performance metric for diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults based on SCADA and alarms data with case study", Energies, Vol. 11(7) (2018), doi:10.3390/en11071738


Kevin Leahy, Colm V. Gallagher, Peter O'Donovan, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Issues with data quality for wind turbine condition monitoring and reliability analyses", Energies, Vol. 12(2) (2018), doi:10.3390/en12020201


Kevin Leahy, R. Lily Hu, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Costas J. Spanos, Alice M. Agogino, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults from SCADA data using support vector machines", International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, (2018)


Colm V. Gallagher, Ken Bruton, Kevin Leahy, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "The suitability of machine learning to minimise uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy savings", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 158, Pages 647-655, (2018), doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.10.041


Brendan P. Walsh, Ken Bruton, D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "The true value of water: A case-study in manufacturing process water-management", Cleaner Production, 141 (2017), pages 551 - 567,


Peter O'Donovan, Kevin Leahy, Ken Bruton & Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "IAMM: A Maturity Model for Measuring Industrial Analytics Capabilities in Large-scale Manufacturing Facilities", International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (2016)


Brendan P. Walsh, Donal Og Cusack, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "An industrial water management value system framework development", Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 5, Pages 82-93, (2016), doi:10.1016/j.spc.2015.11.004


Peter O'Donovan, Kevin Leahy, Ken Bruton & Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, An industrial big data pipeline for data-driven analytics maintenance applications in large-scale smart manufacturing facilities,  Journal of Big Data, (2015), DOI 10.1186/s40537-015-0034-z



Peter O'Donovan, Kevin Leahy, Ken Bruton & Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Big data in manufacturing: A systematic mapping study", Journal of Big Data, (2015), DOI 10.1186/s40537-015-0028-x



Brendan P. Walsh, Sean N. Murray, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "The water energy nexus, an ISO50001 water case study and the need for a water value system", Water Resources and Industry, (2015), pp. 15-28,


Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Paul Raftery, D. Og Cusack, Marcus M. Keane, D. T. J. O’Sullivan, "Comparative analysis of the AHU InFO fault detection and diagnostic expert tool for AHUs with APAR", Energy Efficiency 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12053-014-9289-z


S.N. Murray, Brendan P. Walsh, Denis Kelliher, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Multi-Variable Optimization of Thermal Energy Efficiency Retrofitting of Buildings using Static Modelling and Genetic Algorithms - A Case Study", Building and Environment, February 2014


Ken Bruton, Paul Raftery, Peter O’Donovan, Niall Aughney, Marcus M. Keane, Dominic D.T.J. O'Sullivan, “Development and alpha testing of a cloud based automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for Air Handling Units”, Automation in Construction 2013,Volume 39, 1 April 2014, Pages 70-83 (DOI)


Ken Bruton, Paul Raftery, Barry Kennedy, Marcus M. Keane, Dominic D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "Review of automated fault detection and diagnostic tools in air handling units", Energy Efficiency: Volume 7, Issue 2 (2014), Page 335-351, (DOI)


Brendan P. Walsh. Sean N. Murray, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Free-Cooling Thermal Energy Storage using Phase Change Materials in an Evaporative Cooling System", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 59, Issues 1-2, (2013), Pages 618-626, doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.06.008


S.N. Murray, B. Rocher, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Static Simulation: A sufficient modelling technique for retrofit analysis", Energy and Buildings, Volume 47, April 2012, Pages 113–121


D.T.J. O’Sullivan, M.M. Keane, D. Kelliher, R.J. Hitchcock, "Improving building operation by tracking performance metrics throughout the building lifecycle (BLC)", Energy and Buildings, Volume 36, Issue 11, November 2004, Pages 1075–1090.


Conference Papers 

Kevin Leahy, Colm V. Gallagher, Ken Bruton, Peter O'Donovan, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "Automatically identifying and predicting unplanned wind turbine stoppages using SCADA and alarms system data: case study and results", in WindEurope Conference and Exhibition 2017, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Amsterdam, 2017. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/926/1/012011


Peter O'Donovan, Colm V. Gallagher, Kevin Leahy, Sean Blake, Ken Bruton, Dominic T.J. O'Sullivan, "A systematic mapping of industrial cyber-physical system research for Industry 4.0", in 33rd International Manufacturing Conference, Limerick, 2017


R. Lily Hu, Kevin Leahy, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, David M. Auslander, Costas J. Spanos, and Alice M. Agogino, “Using Domain Knowledge Features for Wind Turbine Diagnostics,” in 2016 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2016, pp. 300–307, doi:10.1109/ICMLA.2016.0056


Kevin Leahy, R. Lily Hu, Ioannis C. Konstantakopoulos, Costas J. Spanos, and Alice M. Agogino, “Diagnosing wind turbine faults using machine learning techniques applied to operational data,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), 2016, pp. 1–8, doi:10.1109/ICPHM.2016.7542860



Colm V. Gallagher, Ken Bruton, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Utilising the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining to reduce uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy savings", in First International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data, Bali 2016. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40973-3 5)



Brendan P. Walsh, John McCarthy, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Making the next steps in getting product prices right: An Industrial Water-Management Value-System Framework Development", in Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference, Barcelona, 2015



Brendan P. Walsh, John McCarthy, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Water Efficiency: An Industrial Water-Management Value-System Implementation & Case-Study", in National Sustainability Summit, Dublin, 2015



Dr Ken Bruton, Mr. Peter O'Donovan & Dr D.T.J O'Sullivan, “The application of web based LEAN Manufacturing tools to support the implementation of ISO 50001 - A Case Study” in Second International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Seville, Spain, 2015



S. Hayes, K. Bruton & D.T.J O'Sullivan, “Application of Expert Systems to Industrial Utility Equipment Optimization” in ICEBO, Beijing, 2014. Available electronically here


John McCarthy & D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "A Data Access Framework for Integration to facilitate Efficient Building OPeration", in ETFA 2014, Barcelona, Spain


Kevin Leahy, Ken Bruton, & D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "Implementing the Green Batch: A Case Study", in ETFA 2014, Barcelona, Spain


S.N. Murray, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "The Carbon Neutral Building Project", in Sustainable Development Conference, Dublin,  2011


S.N. Murray, D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "An Optimization Methodology and Sensitivity Analysis for Existing Building Retrofits", in Proceedings of the 2012 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Leicestershire, UK


S.N. Murray, D.T.J. O'Sullivan, "A Preliminary Study on Building Energy Efficiency Optimization - The Retrofit Quandary", in Proceedings of 9th ASMO/ISSMO conference on Engineering Design and Optimization Product and Process Improvement, Cork, Ireland


Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Peter O’Donovan, Marcus M. Keane & D. T. J. O'Sullivan, "Development of an Online Expert Rule based AFDD tool for Air Handling Units - Beta Test Results" in ICEBO, Montreal, 2013


Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Peter O’Donovan, Marcus M. Keane & D. T. J. O'Sullivan, "Results from testing of a “cloud based” automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for AHU’s", in EFTA 2013, Cagliari, Italy


Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Peter O’Donovan, Marcus M. Keane & D. T. J. O'Sullivan, "Development of a “cloud” located, Expert Rule based AFDD tool for AHU’s: Field Test Results", in IMC30 Conference, Dublin 2013


Ken Bruton, Paul Raftery, Niall Aughney, Marcus M. Keane, and Dominic T.J. O’Sullivan, “Development of an Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis tool for AHU’s,” in ICEBO, Manchester, 2012


Brendan P. Walsh, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "The Application of Phase Change Materials to Evaporative Cooling for Thermal Energy Storage in Ireland", in Sustainable Development Conference, Dublin,  2011


E. Morrissey, M. Keane, J. O’Donnell, J. McCarthy, "Building effectiveness communication ratios for improved building life cycle management", in IBPSA 2005 - International Building Performance Simulation Association 2005


The Specification of a Web Based Multimedia Information System for Building Appraisal” Presented at “The CIB W89 International Conference on Building Education and Research”, Atlanta, Georgia, May 16-18, 2000


D.T.J. O’Sullivan, M.M. Keane, D. Kelliher, "Specification of a STEP compliant integrated environment to support performance based assessment and control of building energy systems", in International Conference on Systems Simulation in Buildings, Belgium, (SSB 2002).




Brendan P. Walsh, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Industrial Water Demand-side Management", the Engineers Journal, the official journal of Engineers Ireland, which is the professional representative body, March 2016.


Brendan Walsh, "Water - the new oil!", The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at UCC, Vol. 4 October 2014


Sean Murray, "Energy efficiency in universities: the need for guidance and a strategic approach", The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at UCC, Vol. 2 October 2011


Ken Bruton, D.T.J. O’Sullivan et al.,“Energy Efficient Design Methodology”, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 2009


D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "Current Standard Solutions for Buildings and Considerations when Retrofitting Buildings Report", Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 2010


D.T.J. O’Sullivan et al., “SEAI Energy Agreements Programme, HVAC Special Working Group Report 2007”, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, May 2008


D. Craddock, A. Kosiel, B. Keohane, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "HVAC Energy Efficiency Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants", University College Cork, 2010


D. Craddock, A. Kosiel, B. Keohane, D.T.J. O’Sullivan, "HVAC ‘State of the Art’ Technology Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants", University College Cork, 2010

