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Literature reviews

Child's rights

Hakalehto, Suvianna & Toivonen, Virve: Lapsen oikeudet lastensuojelussa. (Child’s Rights in Child Welfare). Kauppakamari 2016.

Toivonen, Virve:Lapsen oikeudet ja oikeusturva. Lastensuojeluasiat hallintotuomioistuimissa (Child’s Righst and Legal Safety. Child Welfare Cases in Administrative Courts). Alma Talent 2017.


  1.    General
  2.    Finnish studies (about children’s participation in Finland)

Atwood, Barbara A.: The Child’s Voice in Custody Litigation: an Empirical Survey and Suggestions for Reform. Arizona Law Review (Vol. 45) 2003, p. 629–690.

Ballard, Robin H. – Rudd, Brittany N. – Applegate Amy G. – Holtzworth-Munroe, Amy: Hearing the Voice of the Child in Divorce. InMiller, Monica K. – Chamberlain, Jared – Wingrove, Twila (eds.): Psychology, Law, and the Wellbeing of Children. Oxford University Press 2014, p. 121–137.

Berrick, Jill, Dickens, Jonathan, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit(2015) Children’s involvement in care order decision-making: a cross-country analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect49, 128–141. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.07.001.

Berrick, Jill, Dickens, Jonathan, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2018) International perspectives on child-responsive courts. International Journal of Children’s Rights 26, 251–277.

Block, S. D. – Oran, H. – Oran, D. – Baumrind, N. – Goodman, G. S.: Abused and Neglected Children in Court: Knowledge and Attitudes. Child Abuse and Neglect (Vol. 34) 2010, p. 659–670.

Bosisio, Roberta: Children’s Right to be Heard: What Children Think. International Journal of Children’s Rights (Vol. 20) 2012, p. 141-154.

Cashmore, Judy – Parkinson, Patrick: What Responsibility do Courts Have to Hear Children’s Voices? International Journal of Children’s Rights (Vol.15) 2007, p. 43–60.

Cashmore, Judy: Children’s Participation in Family-law Decision -making: Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Children’s Views. Children and Youth Services Review (Vol. 33) 2011, p. 515–520.

Greenberg Garrison, Ellen: Children’s Competence to Participate in Divorce Custody Decision-making. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology (Vol. 20) 1991, p. 78–87.

Kelly, Joan B.: Psychological and Legal Interventions for Parents and Children in Custody and Access Disputes: Current Research and Practice. Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law (Vol. 10) 2002, p. 129–163.

Klemfuss, J. Z. – Ceci, S. J.: Legal and Psychological Perspectives on Children’s Competence to Testify in Court. Developmental Review (Vol. 32) 2012, p. 268–286.

Nathanson, Rebecca – Saywitz, Karen J.:The Effects of the Courtroom Context on Children’s Memory and Anxiety. The Journal of Psychiatry & Law (Vol. 31) 2003, p. 67–98.

Neale, Bren: Dialogues with Children: Children, Divorce and Citizenship. Childhood (Vol. 2) 2002, p. 455–475.

Smart, Carol and Neale, Bren: It's my life too – Children's Perspectives on Post-divorce Parenting. Family Law (Vol. 30) 2000, p. 160–168.

Smith, Anne B. – Taylor, Nicola J. – Tapp, Pauline: Rethinking Children’s Involvement in Decision-Making after Parental Separation. Childhood (Vol. 10) 2003, p. 201–216.

Thomas, Nigel – O’Cane, Claire: When Children’s Wishes and Feelings Clash with their “best interest”. International Journal of Children’s Rights (Vol. 6) 1998, p. 137–154.

Weisz, Vicky – Wingrove, Twila – Beal, Sarah J. – Faith-Slaker, April: Children's Participation in Foster Care Hearings. Child Abuse & Neglect (Vol. 35) 2011, p. 267–272.

de Godzinsky, Virve (2015)Kohti lapsiystävällisempää oikeudenkäyttöä. [Towards more child-friendly justice.] Lakimies113(6),856–878.

Hyvärinen, Sauli & Pösö, Tarja:Lapsen haastattelu lastensuojelussa. (Interviewing a Child in Child Welfare). PS-Kustannus 2018.

Hämäläinen, Kati(2012). Perhehoitoon sijoitettujen lasten antamat merkitykset kodilleen ja perhesuhteilleen. Väestöntutkimuslaitoksen julkaisusarja D 56. Helsinki: Väestöliitto.

Korkman, J. – Santtila, P. – Sandnabba, N.K.: Dynamics of verbal interaction between interviewer and child in interviews with alleged victims of child sexual abuse. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2006 (Vol. 47), p. 109–119.

Korkman, J. – Santtila, P. – Drzewiecki, T. – Sandnabba, N. K.: Failing to keep it simple: Language use in child sexual abuse interviews with 3-8-year-old children. Psychology, Crime, & Law 2008 (Vol. 14), p. 41–60.

Kouvonen, Petra: Participatory Policies and Social Rights in Out-of-home Placement Services. Negotiated Agencies of Vulnerable Children. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences 2013.

Kouvonen, Petra (2011). Lasten osallistuminen ammatillisten perhekotien sääntelykäytäntönä. In: Mirja Satka, Leena Alanen, Timo Harrikari & Elina Pekkarinen (toim.) Lapset, nuoret ja muuttuva hallinta. Tampere: Vastapaino, 205–241.

Pajulammi, Henna: Lapsi, oikeus ja osallisuus. (Child, Justice and Participation). Talentum 2014.

Pösö, Tarja (2018) Experts by experience infusing professional practices in child protection. In: Asgeir Falch-Eriksen & Elisabeth Backe-Hansen (eds) Human Rights in Child Protection. Implications for Professional Practice and Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, 111-128.

Tolonen, Hannele(2015). Lapsi, perhe ja tuomioistuin. Lapsen prosessuaalinen asema huolto- ja huostaanotto-oikeudenkäynneissä. [The child, the family and the court: The child’s standing in custody and care proceedings.] A-sarja N:o 327. Helsinki: Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys.

Reinikainen, Sarianna(2009) Nuorisokodista maailmalle. Kokemuksia nuorisokodissa elämisestä ja aikuisiässä selviytymisestä. Kasvatustieteen laitoksen tutkimuksia 224. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto /Yliopistopaino.

Valkonen, Maarit & Pasanen, Timo(2012) Nuorten kokemuksia Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen intensiivihoidosta. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 77(3), 302–309.

Best interest of the child

A.    General

Sormunen, Milka:”In All Actions Concerning Children”? Best Interest of the Child in the Case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland. International Journal of Children’s Right’s (Vol. 24) 2016, p. 155–184. Bernd, Walter – Isenegger, Janine Alison – Bald, Nicholas: Best Interest in Child Protection Proceedings: Implications and Alternatives. Canadian Journal of Family Law (Vol. 12), 1994–1995, p. 367–439. Berrick, Jill, Peckover, Sue, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit(2015) The formalized framework for decision making in child protection care orders:  A cross-country comparison. Journal of European Social Policy25(4), 366–378. .doi:10.1177/0958928715594540

Berrick, Jill, Dickens, Jonathan, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2018) Care order templates as institutional scripts in child protection: A cross-system analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 84, 40-47.

Berrick, Jill, Dickens, Jonathan, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit (2017) A cross-country comparison of child welfare systems and workers’ responses to children appearing to be at risk or in need of help. Child Abuse Review10.1002/car.2485

Burns, Kenneth, Pösö, Tarja & Skivenes, Marit(2017) (eds) Child welfare removals by the state: a cross-country analysis of decision-making systems. New York: Oxford University Press.

Krauss, Daniel A. – Sales, Bruce D.: Legal Standards, Expertise, and Experts in the Resolution of Contested Child Custody Cases. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (Vol. 6) 2000, p. 843–879.

Salter, Erica K.: Deciding for a Child: a Comprehensive Analysis of the Best Interest Standard. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics (Vol. 33) 2012, p. 179–198.

Skivenes, Marit& Pösö, Tarja(2017) Best Interest of Child. In: Amy Wenzel (ed) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 470.

Not directly related to best interest standard, but otherwise interesting: Walker-Wilson, Molly J.: Legal and Psychological Considerations in Adolescents’ end-of-life Choices. Northwestern University Law Reviev (Vol. 109) 2015, p. 203–222.

  1.    Finnish studies (about Finnish practices/views of the child’s best interest)
  2.   General, not empirical

de Godzinsky, Virve(2014). Lapsen etu ja osallisuus hallinto-oikeuksien päätöksissä.[The child’s best interest and participation in administrative court decisions.]Research Report 267. Helsinki: Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos.

Kajava, Mirja (1997). Lapsen etu huostaanottoprosessissa: tutkimus pakkohuostaanotoista. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E, 26. Oulu: Oulun yliopisto.

Pekkarinen, Elina(2010) Stadilaispojat, rikokset ja lastensuojelu: viisi tapaustutkimusta kuudelta vuosikymmeneltä. Nuorisotutkimusverkosto / Nuorisotutkimusseura julkaisuja 102. Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusverkosto / Nuorisotutkimusseura.

Pösö, Tarja(2012) Lapsen etu, oikeudet ja näkökulma moraalisina kannanottoina [The Best Interest, Rights and View of the Child as Moral Standpoints]. In Hannele Forsberg & Leena Autonen-Vaaraniemi (eds) Kiistanalainen perhe, moraalinen järkeily ja sosiaalityö[Contested family, moral reasoning and social work]. Tampere-Vastapaino, 75–97.

Selin, Pirjo (2008) Lapsen etu ja yhteiskunnan vastuu. Suomalaista lastensuojelun huostaanottoa koskevat tekstit 1950-luvulta 1980-luvulle [Child’s best interest and the responsibilities of the state. The texts dealing with Finnish care orders from 1950s to 1980s]. Lapsi- ja nuorisotyön erikoisala.Lisensiaatintutkimus. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta.


Ballard, Robin – Holtzworth-Munroe, Amy – Applegate, Amy G. – D’onofrio, Brian M. – Bates, John E.: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Child-informed Mediation. Psychology, Public Policy and Law (Vol. 19) 2013, p. 271–281.

Holtzworth-Munroe, Amy – Applegate, Amy G. – D’Onofrio, Brian – Bates, John: Child Informed Mediation Study (CIMS): Incorporating the Children’s Perspective into Divorce Mediation in an American Pilot Study. Journal of Family Studies (Vol. 16) 2010, p. 116–129.

James, Adrian – Haugen, Gry Mette – Rantalaiho, Minna – Marples, Rebecca: The Voice of the Child in Family Mediation: Norway and England. International Journal of Children’s Rights (Vol. 18) 2010, p. 313–333.

McIntosh, Jennifer E. – Wells, Yvonne D. – Smyth, Bruce M. – Long, Caroline M.: Child-focused and Child-inclusive Divorce Mediation: Comparative Outcomes from a Prospective Study of Post-separation Adjustment. Family Court Review (Vol. 46) 2008, p. 105–124.

Representing a child

Cahn, Naomi: State Representation of Children’s Interest. Family Law Quarterly (Vol. 40) 2006, p. 109132.

Elrod, Linda D.:Client-Directed Lawyers for Children: It is the ”Right” Thing to Do. Pace law Review (Vol. 27) 2007, p. 869–920.

Kisthardt, Mary Kay: Working in the Best Interest of Children: Facilitating the Collaboration of Lawyers and Social Workers in Abuse and Neglect Caces. Rutgers Law Record (Vol. 30) 2006, p. 1–87.

Pitchal, Erik S. – Freundlich, Madelyn D. – Kendrick, Corene: Evaluation of the Guardian Ad Litem System in Nebraska. Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Research Paper 10-01. Suffolk University Law School 2010.

Ryrstedt, Eva – Mattson, Titti: Children’s Rights to Representation: A Comparison between Sweden and England. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (Vol. 22) 2008, p. 135–147.

Sobie, Merril: The Child Client: Representing Children in Child Protective Proceedings. Touro Law review (Vol. 22) 2006, p. 745–825.

Spinak, Jane: When did Lawyers for Children Stop Reading Goldstein, Freud and solnit? Lessons from the Twentieth Century on Best Interest and the Role of the Child Advocates. Family Law Quarterly (Vol. 41) 2007, p. 393–411.

  1.    Empirical studies (in/about Finland)

de Godzinsky, Virve(2014). Lapsen etu ja osallisuus hallinto-oikeuksien päätöksissä. [The child’s best interest and participation in administrative court decisions.] Report 267. Helsinki: Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos.

Enroos, Rosi, Helland, Hege, Pösö, Tarja, Skivenes, Marit & Tonheim, Milfrid (2017) The role and function of spokesperson in care order proceedings: a cross-country study in Finland and Norway. Children and Youth Services Review.

IDEA Child Rights
