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There is no state run statutory medical insurance scheme in Ireland.  Hospital medical treatment is generally speaking free while visits to general practitioners cost around €60 each and all prescription medicines must be paid for.  However many people choose to avail of private medical insurance to cover the cost of upgraded hospital treatment and to avoid sometimes lengthy waiting lists.  

You can also claim tax relief on the cost of medical expenses

Health Insurance

VHILaya Healthcare, and Irish Life Healthcare offer UCC staff access to their suite of Corporate Policies which have an in-built 10% reduction in premiums. This is not a specific reduction for UCC staff and is available to anybody who requests a quotation from this particular suite of policies.

These companies offer tailor made health care plans which can be selected by employees according to their requirements.  Subscriptions can be deducted from salary payments. 

The differences in cover between the various plans are highly complex.  Contacting each company to assess which plan may be most suitable for your individual needs is best.  The Health Insurance Authority is a statutory regulator of the private health insurance market in Ireland. The Authority also provides information to consumers regarding their rights and health insurance plans and benefits.


Additional Schemes

The UCC Income Continuance Plan (ICP) provides a source of income in the event of long or short-term temporary disability.  The UCC Supplementary Life Assurance (“SLA”) Scheme is designed to give employees the opportunity to make financial provision against the possibility of premature death while employed with UCC. 

Sick leave will be granted in line with University policy in this regard which may change from time to time. 


Maternity & Family Care

As part of the Maternity and Infant Care Scheme, pregnant patients are entitled to free in-patient, out-patient and emergency care in public hospitals in relation to the pregnancy and birth. You do not have to pay hospital charges. 

Some expectant parents do opt for semi-private or private care which may provide more consultant visits, more scans and a private hospital room. 

Maternity, Paternity, Parental and Adoptive Leave and Force Majeure Leave are provided by the University 

Children under the age of 6 are entitled to free visits to a participating GP 


General Practitioners 

UCC does not have a staff specific GP.   Should you require a GP, you can access the Health Service Executive’s Service Finder Map to access the contact details of GPs in your area.  Additional information on healthcare services in Ireland is provided on the Citizen’s Information site also.


Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
