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Aurora - Women Only Leadership Ignition Programme

 ** Call for 2024/2025 Now Open **

Application Deadline - Friday, 2 August 2024

1. What is Aurora?

Aurora is the women-only online leadership development programme developed by Advance-HE (UK) in 2013 in response to research indicating that the level of women in influential and senior positions in higher education was lower then than over 10 years previous to this.  UCC has participated from the beginning and we now have a UCC Aurora Alumnae community of over 180 women.

The programme aims are to:

  • Increase your confidence
  • Begin a journey of self-discovery
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Increase your network
  • Influence your team and sector
  • Progress your career

2. What you need to know

Target Audience
  • Women academics and researchers at lecturer level or equivalent 
  • Women professional staff (administrative & technical) up to equivalent professional services grades (early-mid to mid career approximately)

**Applicants must have been working in UCC at least one year & their contract must extend to at least March 2026 to be eligible to apply.**


Applicants must be supported by their Head of Unit and ULT member


Cost is divided equally between the local unit & HR. 

€650 to be paid by the local unit & €650 to be paid by Staff Wellbeing & Development, HR. Any additional expenses to be borne locally. NB: The budget holder is the Head of Local Unit & not the ULT member. 

Application Process

Applicants must submit a personal statement (anonymised) of no more than 800 words, indicating why they should receive one of the scholarships and what they wish to achieve from the programme (see no. 5 below for more detail). 

Deadline  5pm, Friday 2 August 2024
Evaluation Process An Equality Sub-Committee will evaluate the anonymised applications in accordance with the criteria.


3. What is required of UCC Aurorians during the programme?

  • Attend all eight Aurora sessions
  • Attend inhouse UCC Aurora sessions (e.g. Mentoring & internal UCC Aurora workshop)
  • Undertake self-directed learning throughout Aurora, aligned with development interests
  • Commit to working with a mentor
  • Be prepared to access leadership opportunities and champion for change
  • Engage in the UCC Aurora Alumnae Community, becoming an active member and champion
4. Dates & Times
Introduction Webinar 11 October 2024 (AM)
Identity, Impact and Voice 18 October 2024
Core Leadership 8 November 2024
Action Learning Set 1 29 November 2024
Politics and Influence 12 December 2024
Adaptive Leadership 22 January 2025
Your Future in HE 14 February 2025 (Dublin)
Action Learning Set 2 6 March 2025

5. Application & Nomination process

Via the AURORA APPLICATION FORM, provide a personal statement (anonymised) of no more than 800 words, specifically addressing the following:  

  • What development needs and/or leadership challenges are you experiencing in your current role?
  • How you perceive Aurora specifically (a women only leadership programme as opposed to a leadership programme) would support you in addressing these needs/challenges?
  • What specific outcomes do you wish to achieve from your engagement in Aurora six months after completion (September '25). You may find it useful to use the SMART formula to set out your aims and outcomes (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-bound).

6. Any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact Mary Horgan should you have any questions. 

NOTE: Successful applicants, in order to afford sufficient time, space and opportunity to reflect and embed all their learnings, participate in only ONE leadership programme at any given time e.g. one cannot participate in a Current Leaders programme and Aurora in the same academic year.

Some feedback from UCC Aurorians '23/'24

  • It has been an absolute pleasure and amazing experience from which I have truly gained.  I would definitely recommend the programme to any aspiring leaders.  
  • Aurora was an amazing programme & I feel so privileged having been awarded a place.
  • Genuinely I’ve gotten so much out of the programme, particularly with my introverted nature! 
  • Aurora has laid the foundations for new challenges to come.    

BELOW: Just some of the UCC women who participated in the Aurora programme ‘23/’24.



Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
