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All testimonials are from UCC staff members who have engaged in coaching with our panel

  • "Thank you for your help with looking outside the box and keeping my values in mind"
  • "My Coach was great at really drawing information out of me that I wanted to talk about or struggled to understand about myself, and she helped with aiding me in articulating how I can utilise that information to better myself. My main learning was that I struggle with grey areas, and that’s a problem because not everything is black or white. I have been learning how to get comfortable in this space, get comfortable with failure and learn how to deal with things that are out of my control. Coaching was more than I expected, it wasn’t just goal setting, it was getting to know myself and understanding how I can use that information to better myself"
  • "I really value the coaching sessions I had. The structure and targeted approach of my coach was hugely beneficial. I felt listened to, understood and supported at all times. I have been given tools that will enhance my performance in my work. I am very grateful to have had this coaching experience and would highly recommend it to other staff working in UCC"
  • "I was hesitant about taking coaching for a long time, but I can confidently say that it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The first preliminary meeting with my coach already put my mind at ease about my reservations. It also made me aware of the commitment and efforts I have to make. The past few pandemic years have been incredibly challenging for everyone. Work and personal problems intermixed, and even though it has been almost four years since the start of the lockdowns, the emotional trauma still lingers. We had agreed to keep the discussions confined to only the work-related challenges I faced. However, working on these issues had an immediate impact on my personal life as well. We had detailed discussions on building my confidence, improving my communication, and improving my time management and overall effectiveness. These in-depth conversations allowed me to gain practical strategies and insights that I could apply to my daily life. I have already seen many improvements in myself over the last few months. What’s more, people around me feel it too. My coach was not only a knowledgeable coach but also very kind and patient. She facilitated my learning by actively listening to my concerns and challenges, and her ability to pose insightful questions had a remarkable impact on my personal growth. These questions had a unique way of unlocking something within me that I felt had been locked away for a long time. Her empathetic approach and thought-provoking inquiries made each coaching session a transformative and enriching experience."

  • "I reached out to UCC Coaching in need of some guidance and support in my current role. The service that my coach has provided over the last number of weeks has been invaluable to me, both professionally and personally. I was able to confront my beliefs and address my insecurities with the thoughtful guidance of my coach, helping me to develop a more conducive work ethic and overall positive outlook. I am confident that the tools and techniques that I learned during my time with UCC Coaching will continue to benefit me in all my future endeavors. Thanks again UCC Coaching!"

  • "Coaching sessions with my coach helped me get unstuck and got me moving forward, and have left me feeling empowered and excited about my future. I came to my coach looking for help in changing jobs. Previously, I was stuck in my head, trying to make big abstract decisions “should I go the academic route?” “should I go into industry?” “should I leave my current job at all?”. My coach helped me reframe things and, through my work with her, I learnt to take concrete consistent baby steps towards finding interesting new work. She gave me tools to motivate me to keep looking for new opportunities, helped me reframe my thinking and get out of black and white thinking. She encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone, to believe in myself, and to have an attitude of curiosity and learning, rather than operating from fear. My coach has a wonderful talent for spotting your blind spots and her knowledge and experience, which she shares freely, is profound. My experience with her has been invaluable and thanks to her, I feel like I am turning a new page in my life." 
  • "I engaged in coaching sessions during the period of May – December 2021. What I liked about the sessions was the structure - it felt like a process was involved and that I was being listened to. Pathways were explored that I had not considered, i.e. thinking through ideas, looking at alternatives and possibilities in a practical, realistic way. I came away from the final session with a very positive outlook on what could be achieved in the future, which for me was the target and the reason why I attended in the first place."
  • “I am so delighted that I participated in coaching from the UCC coaching panel. I have benefited enormously from the sessions. My coach helped me to regain confidence and find a better work-life balance. I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions, they were practical and solutions-focused. I finished up with a tool kit to call upon when needed and a lot more personal insight. I would highly recommend coaching.” 
  • I am so grateful for the shift in awareness that being coached has helped me to make, which has caused me to really look at myself and my assumptions and has helped me to define boundaries. I am feeling much more positive and more in charge of my own destiny, and am open to the possibilities that will present themselves. Thank you for your support, kindness and openness to me in our sessions, it is such a valuable space to hash things out with no judgement involved. I would like to thank my coach also for challenging me to think about things which helped me to look at my assumptions and be gentler on myself, and by extension others. 
  • I recently undertook a number of coaching sessions with my coach. I was aware I was in a slump in some areas of my life but was unable to identify exactly what needed attention, so could not move forward.  From the outset, my coach was very clear about their solutions-based coaching style, was patient, interested, fully engaged, very observant and quick to understand what I was trying to articulate.  By asking the right questions and suggesting regular tasks, I was empowered with the tools to self-reflect, gain clarity and identify areas requiring attention.This in turn helped me to identify solutions and implement changes which have changed my life in a very positive way. 
  • I wasn’t sure what to expect and would rarely open up to any other person but my coach created a safe, open space for me to share my worries and concerns without feeling inferior or like I was being judged. 
  • Even though my coach facilitated the coaching sessions, they did not shape the outcomes; with their gentle guidance, the solutions and realisations came from myself. I found the sessions both liberating and empowering and slowly but surely, I regained some confidence. 
  • My coach helped me in ways I never anticipated. I became stronger as a person and believed in myself and my abilities. They helped me to focus on the aspects that I can control and also helped me to find coping mechanisms with aspects that were beyond my control. These lessons will stay with me throughout all of my life– in both my personal life and my career. 
  • "During my sessions, I found my coach to be warm and empathetic.  Their approach is person-centered and solution-focused.  After each session, I had a clear map of actions to take in order to achieve my goals." 
  • "Coaching made me think about certain situations that make me feel uncomfortable & which were causing me to hold myself back from progressing. This is something I never looked at myself in the past, and didn't realise the impact of it until he taught me how to deal with my feelings of anxiety. I'm much more confident as a result of my meetings with my Coach.”
  • "I felt very relaxed and able to talk about anything that was on my mind. I've made some major lifestyle changes since the start of 2020. The support and encouragement from my coach was vital both in helping me to set achievable goals and in implementing the strategies needed to stay on track."
  • “Since engaging in coaching I feel that I am more reflective, less reactive and more confident in my professional interactions. I felt safe to explore without fear of judgement.” 
  • “I always felt I was given the opportunity to find solutions to my problems on my own. I wasn’t given advice to follow, I was allowed to come up with my own advice with only gentle guidance from my coach. This has been an important aspect of the coaching for me because it has helped me realise that I am capable of problem-solving on my own and that I should have a little more confidence in myself.”  
  • "Coaching has been one of the best things I've ever done for my career. My coach made me think creatively about what I can achieve presently and what I can try to work towards in the future. I'd recommend coaching to everyone off the back of my experience."
  • "I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by my PhD thesis work and this greatly impacted my motivation and ability to move forward. I signed up for UCC coaching and working with my coach over a few sessions, I was able to identify and overcome the blocks that were holding me back. Thanks to the coaching, I have my motivation back and I am now in a much better position to progress on my thesis as the daunting obstacles have melted away."
  • "Coaching has given me the tools to take ownership again of my life. It has helped me to focus on aspects which now allow me to live a happier & healthier life."
  • “I availed of the UCC Coaching service to maximise my effectiveness in the delivery of my role and to fully avail of the career development opportunities the role presented. Coaching provided a safe space away from the desk to constructively reflect on my practice and career goals; it delivered clarity, focus and renewed self-belief. My coach encouraged, challenged and guided me through effective self-development that enabled me to develop a plan forward and secure promotion.”
  • “The experience of coaching for me, has been so positive, informative and uplifting.  It is heartening and inspiring to know that people such as yourselves are providing this very valuable resource to your colleagues. I have been armed with ideas and actions which hadn't even occurred to me.”
  • “When I first met my coach, I was nervous about confidentiality and where our discussions would lead as it was my first experience of coaching. My coach quickly put my mind at ease in relation to any of that and has proven to be so respectful and thoughtful throughout our coaching journey. She was extremely good at listening, very professional and so encouraging. The learning for me was very much about self-reflection and taking time to ask questions about myself and where I could go next”
  • "Coaching assisted me to formulate and slow down my issues into smaller compartments and focus on what I can control.  That is just what I needed and thank you again for helping me get to that place"

Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
