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What Qualification?

What's in it for me?

UCC is delighted to announce that ILM has rated UCC as an approved provider for Epiguem's Professional Skills for Research Leaders.  This means that each participant will receive an ILM certificate of attainment for completing the suite of programmes, quizes and attending the workshops. 

 In 2013, University College Cork gained the HR Excellence in Research Award in recognition of the University’s on-going commitment to adopting the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This commitment is echoed in the University’s Research Strategy. The University is keen to provide its future female research leaders with the tools they need to perform in the their "multi-faceted role".  

In today’s world the value of recognised qualifications is increasing.  The ILM certificate of attainment will enable you to provide evidence of your research leadership skills. Great leadership and management training comes in all shapes and sizes. Not everyone wants to take a formal management qualification, which is why UCC recognises that a good quality in-house management development programme will give you the freedom to participate while ILM monitor and endorse the overall quality of the programme.


The University hopes that this ILM endorsed Professional Skills for Research Leaders Programme will assist Female Post Docs to enhance their research management skills at this critical time in their careers.

Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
