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What' involved

What do I need to do?

If you want to participate and receive an ILM endorsed certificate of attainment then you will need to commit to the programme. 

To give you an idea of the time committment please take a look at the table below.




Approx. duration per course


Self-study courses

Core online component: The core of the PSRL programmeconsistsof the 6 self-study courses, including an introductory course to help participants become familiar with the features and tools available throughout the programme.


Each course consists of a series of screens (web pages) containing text, videos and activities.

2–3 hours


Portfolio activities

Additional online component: Portfolio activities areplaced in ‘Portfolio activity’ boxes on the right-hand side of the screens, within the online self-study courses. They provide the opportunity for participants to research and reflect further and to relate the topic of a screen to their own context. They can be completed by users independently and do not require a tutor or customisation.

4–10 hours

Communicative activities

Additional content: These activities are not contained in the core online component. Instead, they are optional, additional content, provided by UCC:


                  Peer-to-peer activities, which encourage participants to interact with one another and share experiences through CANVAS discussion boards


                  Tutor-led activities, which are designed to be led by a tutor, and include topics for workshop discussions and assignments.

2 - 3 Hour workshops


6 workshops altogether



Following the Athena Swan gender review it became clear that most senior research roles are held by males. To address this imbalance the following action was approved by the UCC Athena SWAN Main Steering Group. 

Action 5.3.5: “Run UCC’s Epigeum Professional Skills for Research Leaders course specifically for female Postdoctoral and Senior Postdoctoral Researchers.

With an emphasis on raising the proportion of senior female researchers in UCC it is hoped that PSRL for females only will provide some of the support and tools necessary to help female researchers to achieve their research goals as well as their own professional career objectives.


2023-2024 Dates:


As a participant you will be required to attend workshops on the following dates in 2023 and 2024:

All workshops will be held on main campus or online


Workshops for 2023-2024: Most workshops begin at 10am and finish at 1.00pm:







North Wing Conference Room


Introduction – Compulsory



Developing and Consolidating your Research Career

North Wing Conference Room


Funding your Research

O'Rahilly Building 2.55


Managing a Research Team

North Wing Conference Room


Research Integrity

North Wing Conference Room


Communicating your Research/Discussions   Compulsory

North Wing Conference Room


 Also to receive an ILM endorsed certificate of attainment you will be required to obtain:

  1. 70% passing rate on the on-line tests
  2. 80% attendance rate for the workshops. The first (Introduction) and last workshops are compulsory for all participants.
  3. Contribute to exit questionnaires/course assessments on each of the 5 programmes
  4. Participate and contribute to a discussion on what worked/didn’t work for you


2022 Dates:


As a participant you will be required to attend workshops on the following dates in 2022:

All workshops will be held online and on main campus (COVID allowing)


Workshops for 2022: Most workshops begin at 10am and finish at 1.00pm:







Online Teams


Introduction – Compulsory

North Wing Conference Room


Developing and Consolidating your Research Career

North Wing Conference Room


Funding your Research

North Wing Conference Room


Managing a Research Team

North Wing Conference Room


Research Collaboration

North Wing Conference Room


Communicating your Research/Discussions   Compulsory

North Wing Conference Room


 Also to receive an ILM endorsed certificate of attainment you will be required to obtain:

  1. 70% passing rate on the on-line tests
  2. 80% attendance rate for the workshops. The first (Introduction) and last workshops are compulsory for all participants.
  3. Contribute to exit questionnaires/course assessments on each of the 5 programmes
  4. Participate and contribute to a discussion on what worked/didn’t work for you





2021 Dates:


As a participant you will be required to attend workshops on the following dates in 2021:

All workshops will be held online


Workshops for 2021: Most workshops begin at 10am and finish at 1.00pm:







Online - Teams


Introduction – Compulsory

Online - Teams


Developing and Consolidating your Research Career

Online - Teams


Funding your Research

Online - Teams


Managing a Research Team

Online - Teams


Research Collaboration

Online - Teams


Communicating your Research/Discussions   Compulsory

Online - Teams

 Also to receive an ILM endorsed certificate of attainment you will be required to obtain:

  1. 70% passing rate on the on-line tests
  2. 80% attendance rate for the workshops. The first (Introduction) and last workshops are compulsory for all participants.
  3. Contribute to exit questionnaires/course assessments on each of the 5 programmes
  4. Participate and contribute to a discussion on what worked/didn’t work for you

Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
