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Ed Shinnick

Ed Shinnick

Contact Details:


Mentor Panel


Professor and Head of Economics and Vice Dean of Accreditation & Governance in the Business School (CUBS). Research areas include competition in markets & industries, competition policy, regulation and business strategy. Published and presented across a wide range of national and international outlets. Extensive experience of programme development and academic management through involvement on AB, Chair of Exam Appeals Committee, Risk Management Committee, GB Strategy & Innovation Committee, Chair of numerous PAPs, and Head of Department. Have experience of External Engagement through board membership of the National Consumer Agency (NCA), Chair of the NCA's Audit Committee, International Reviewer for the Czech Science Foundation, journal editorial board member and external examiner for Irish and UK universities.

Types of Mentoring Offered: 1:1 or Panel Mentoring, Short term relationship (6 months or less) to longer term relationship (1 year plus) 

Mentoring Topics Include: New Programme Development, Innovation in Teaching, Time Management - Balancing Academic Activity, Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities, Choosing Where to Publish - Publishing Strategically, Developing an Academic Profile, How the University Operates Academically, Team Working, Grading & Assessing Student Work, Career Development, Academic Leadership, Speaking at Conferences

Approach as a Mentor: With over 25 years experience of how UCC works and knowing what is involved in the work life of an academic, I can share this experience with others and in doing so give something back to the next group of leaders. My approach will be to listen and then share my thoughts on the key issues identified by the mentee. 

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
