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Mois de la Francophonie 2017

1. The French Department recently hosted a Masterclass with French film-maker, photographer and humanitarian, Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The Masterclass focused on his documentary HUMAN. Yann Arthus-Bertrand established the GoodPlanet Foundation in 2005, and became United Nations Environment Program Goodwill Ambassador in 2009. Pictured are Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Nora Callanan, Director of the Cork French Film Festival, and Dr Martin Howard, Head of the School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures.

2. The French Department recently welcomed the writer, sociologist and politician, Mr Azouz Begag in the Department. Mr Begag is a former French Government Minister for Equal Opportunities. During his visit to UCC, he gave a research seminar on the theme of ‘La diversité en France’. Pictured are Dr Patrick Crowley, Research Officer in the Department of French, Azouz Begag, and Dr Martin Howard, Head of Department and Head of the School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures.

Mois de la Francohonie 2016 - Events

The French Department hosted two film and literary events on 8 and 9 March 2016 as part of its celebrations of the Month of La Francophonie.

  1.  Film Masterclass with Nicolas Saada: Nicolas Saada; Nora Callanan, Director, Cork French Film Festival; Dr Martin Howard, Head of Department of French, UCC
  2. Literary Writer Event with Louis-Philippe Dalembert: Dr Kate Hodgson, Department of French, UCC; Louis-Philippe Dalembert; Dr Martin Howard, Head of Department of French, UCC


Guy Debord, Diagrams of Revolution

Photos taken at the opening of the Exhibition in the Boole Library on February 4, 2015

A Story of Revolutions - Exhibition of works by Patrick Altes, 13/02/2014 Triskel Arts Center Cork

Here are some photos taken at that event

Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
