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Milouda Louh

University Language Teacher
353 (0)21 4903313

Licence ès Lettres , Maitrise , DEA (Lille), CAPES , Dip Trans (Institute of Linguists)

Courses taught

Courses co-ordinated

  • FR0105
  • FR1107 French for Reading Purposes I
  • FR4107 Translation between English and  French

Professional Interests

  • Teaching language through translation
  • Teaching language through literature
  • Translation theory
  • History of translation in France

Other Information

  • Milouda Louh has devised course materials for text analysis, argumentative essay-writing and translation
  • She  has written articles on translation and Francophone literature

Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
