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Christine Montané

University Language Teacher

353 (0)214903226


Masters in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (MFLE, Toulouse)

Masters in Anglophone Studies (MesL, Toulouse)

Courses taught (2023-2024)

FR1101 Foundation Course in Written and Oral French

FR2101 Advanced French Language I [written component]

FR4101 Advanced Use of French in Written and Oral French

FR1111 Foundation Course in French Culture for Teaching Purposes

Courses co-ordinated
FR2101 Advanced French Language I [written course]

Professional Interests

Language Teaching and FFL methodologies

Teaching language through art and culture

Curriculum and course design

Committee and working group membership (2023-2024)

Department of French Teaching, Learning and Assessment committee (Convenor)

Department of French Second-year Committee

SLLC Teaching and Learning Committee

CACSSS Teaching and Learning Committee

Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
