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Bioavailability Equipment


The Nutrient Bioactivity Research Group has all the resources and equipment necessary for routine maintenance of cells in culture and the analysis of antioxidant, inflammatory and other biological markers. Equipment includes:

Equipment  Details
Temperature controlled, water-jacketed CO2 incubators for the maintenance of cells in culture.
Biological safety cabinets (Class 2 laminar air flow hoods) to create a sterile environment for cell maintenance.
A wide range of cell lines including human and other mammalian cultures which provide experimental models for most organs of the human body including intestine, brain, heart and liver cell models.
Liquid nitrogen storage Dewar for prolonged storage of cells.
Nikon Eclipse TS100 Inverted, phase contrast microscope to allow cell counting and observation of cells in growth flasks
Varioskan Flash Multimode Platereader: photometric (200-1000nm in 1nm steps), luminescence and fluorescence measurements. Kinetic and spectral measurements in UV/Vis/NIR range for 6 to 384 well plates. Temperature controlled with shaking function.
Grant OLS2000 Orbital Shaking waterbath: waterbath (0-99°C ±0.1°C) with lid, linear and orbital movement, speed 20 to 200 rpm, 40 to 360 strokes/min, 40 to 360 strokes /min.
Leica DMLB fluorescence microscope, 200x magnification with UV filter.
Gel electrophoresis tanks and Bio-rad Mini-Protean II Dual Slab Cell (Western blotting system).
MiVac centrifugal vacuum concentrator/solvent evaporator.
Bench top centrifuges; -80°C freezers; sonicators.

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
