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International Undergraduate Fees 2024/25

Fee schedule 2024-2025

Programme (Course) Course Code Fee College Note
Arts - BA (Hons) CK101 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Anthropology - BA (Hons) CK123 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Applied Psychology - BA (Hons) CK120 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Criminology - BA (Hons) CK113 €17,000 CACSSS 6
Arts (International) - BA (Hons) CK108 €17,000 CACSSS 6
Theatre and Performative Practices - BA (Hons) CK112 €17,000 CACSSS 6
Digital Humanities and Information Technology - BA (Hons) CK118 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Early Years and Childhood Studies - BA (Hons) CK111 €19,200  CACSSS 6
English - BA (Hons) CK109 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Film and Screen Media - BA (Hons) CK105 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Arts - Music - BA (Hons)  CK104 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Psychology and Computing - BA (Hons) CK121 €17,000  CACSSS 6
World Languages - BA (Hons) CK110 €17,000  CACSSS 6
Gaeilge - BEd (Hons) CK124 €23,500  CACSSS 6
Physical Education, Sports Studies & Arts - BEd (Hons)  CK125 €23,500  CACSSS 6
Government and Political Science - BSc (Hons) CK122 €17,000 CACSSS 6
Social Science - BSocSc (Hons) CK102 €17,000 CACSSS 6
Social Work - BSW (Hons) CK115 €19,200 CACSSS 6
Youth and Community Work - BSocSc (Hons) CK114 €19,200 CACSSS 6
Commerce - BComm (Hons) CK201 €21,300  COBL  
Accounting - BSc (Hons)  CK202  €21,300  COBL  
Economics - BA (Hons)  CK212  €21,300  COBL  
Business Information Systems - BSc (Hons) CK203  €21,300  COBL  
Law and Business - BCL (Hons) CK307 €21,300  COBL  
Law and French - BCL (Hons)  CK302  €21,300  COBL  
Law and Irish - BCL (Hons)  CK304  €21,300  COBL  
Law (Pathways) - BCL (Hons)   CK301  €21,300  COBL  
Food Marketing and Entrepreneurship - BSc (Hons) CK213  €21,300  COBL  
International Development - BSc (Hons) CK214 €21,300  COBL  
International Business with Languages - BSc (Hons) CK215 €21,300 COBL  
Finance - BSc (Hons)  CK204 €21,300 COBL  
Architecture - BSc (Hons) CK606 €23,500  SEFS  
Agricultural Science - BAgrSc (Hons)  CK412  €23,500  SEFS  
Nutritional Sciences - BSc (Hons)  CK504 €23,500  SEFS  
Food Science - BSc (Hons)  CK505  €23,500  SEFS  
Computer Science - BSc (Hons)  CK401 €23,500 SEFS  
Chemical Sciences - BSc (Hons) CK406 €23,500  SEFS  
Biological and Chemical Sciences - BSc (Hons)  CK402 €23,500  SEFS  
Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences - BSc (Hons) CK404 €23,500  SEFS  
Mathematical Sciences - BSc (Hons)  CK407  €23,500  SEFS  
Data Science and Analytics - BSc (Hons)  CK411  €23,500  SEFS  
Genetics - BSc (Hons)  CK405  €23,500  SEFS  
Engineering - BE (Hons) 
  • Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering
  • Energy Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Process & Chemical Engineering
CK600  €23,500  SEFS  
Physics and Astrophysics - BSc (Hons)  CK408    €23,500  SEFS  
Occupational Therapy - BSc (Hons) CK704 €21,300  COMH  
Speech and Language Therapy - BSc (Hons)  CK705  €21,300  COMH  
Dentistry - BDS (Hons) CK702 €50,000  COMH 1,3
Medicine - MB, BCh, BAO CK701 €50,000  COMH 3,5
Medicine (Graduate Entry) - MB, BCh, BAO CK791 €55,000  COMH 5
Dentistry (Graduate Entry) - BDS (Hons) Note 2   €55,000  COMH 2
Pharmacy - BPharm (Hons) CK703 €21,300  COMH 4
Public Health Sciences - BSc (Hons) CK706 €19,100  COMH  
Medical and Health Sciences - BSc (Hons) CK707 €25,600  COMH  
Nursing (General) - BSc (Hons) CK710 €23,400   COMH  
Nursing (Children's and General Integrated) - BSc (Hons) CK712 €23,400 COMH  
Nursing (Mental Health) - BSc (Hons) CK720 €23,400  COMH  
Nursing (Intellectual Disability) - BSc (Hons) CK730 €23,400  COMH  
Midwifery - BSc (Hons) CK740 €23,400  COMH  
Nursing Studies - BSc (Hons)    €11,200 COMH  
Paramedic Studies - Practitioner Entry - BSc (Hons)-2 Years    €6,500 COMH  


  • Note 1: Additional Cost -  Bench Fees: Year 3: €1,500. Year 4: €1,500. Year 5: €1,000This fee is payable in Dental Hospital at the start of each relevant year. 
  • Note 2: Additional Cost - Bench Fees: Year 2: €1,500. Year 3: €1,500. Year 4: €1,000This fee is payable in Dental Hospital at the start of each relevant year. 
  • Note 3: Students entering through recruitment agencies, the IUMC (Irish Universities & Medical Schools Consortium) or through government sponsorship may be entitled to a concession on the quoted international fee. 
  • Note 4: Bachelor of Pharmacy is a 4-year undergraduate degree programme with an additional year (Year 5) to complete a ‘Master’s in Pharmacy’. Total fee in Year 5 is €20,000. International privately funded students may qualify for an academic scholarship of €5,000 per annum. 
  • Note 5: €750 clinical contribution fee is included in annual fee.
  • Note 6: An Automatic 15% scholarship once accepted to UCC College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Undergraduate programme (applicable to all CACSSS Programmes)
    Further information is available on the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences website 

Junior Year Abroad/Visiting Students - Fee Paying

The table below provides an outline of fees to be paid by incomming international students who are studying in UCC for one or both semesters. 


Early Start Fee €1,400
Autumn Semester €7,400
Spring Sememster €7,400
Early Start plus Autumn Semester (all programs)  €8,800
Early Start plus Full Academic Year (all programs) €15,800
Full Academic Year (All Programs) €14,400


Term Meaning
CACSSS College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
COBL College of Business and Law
COMH College of Medicine and Health
SEFS College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

Fees Office

Oifig na dTáillí

Fees Office, North Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork
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