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How Do I Get A Receipt?

How to access fee receipts:

  • Log in to MyStudentAdmin.
  • Select fees from the menu on the left-hand side. 
  • Select Revenue tax receipt.
  • If you are looking for a receipt for 2022/2023 academic year, 2023 needs to be typed in, then press the return key.
  • Once you have pressed enter after typing in 2023 and you have made payments in that year, a receipt will show.
  • You can this print this off for Revenue.   
  • If you pay in advance for the next academic year, the payment will show in the year you made the payment.
  • For undergraduate students, the academic year is 1 August – 31 July. Any payments outside of those dates, will show in the year of payment.
  • If you require receipts for academic years prior to 2016, please send us your query or contact us.

Fees Office

Oifig na dTáillí

Fees Office, North Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork
Ask UCC | Current Students Enquiries | Graduate Students Enquiries | Prospective Students Enquiries,
