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Click HERE to watch and listen back to the conference held on 27 September 2013 (details of the speakers and topics are below). The discussions about Emigre's key findings can be found from 4.26.22 onwards. 


 Emigration at a time of Austerity:

Ireland and peripheral Europe under the spotlight 

Emigre Conference and Report Launch 

Venue: CACSSS Seminar Room, Ground Floor, O’Rahilly Building, UCC  

Friday, 27th September 2013 



Morning Session 

Session Title: Ireland’s Migration Experience since 1945

Keynote: Prof. Mary Hickman (St Mary’s University College, London)

Paper 1: Irish Emigration from the late 1940s to the early 1960s (Prof. Mary Daly, UCD)

Paper 2: The 'new wave' of Irish emigration in the 1980s (Prof. Bronwen Walter, Anglia Ruskin University)

Paper 3: 'Lost generations?' Taking the longer view on Northern Ireland migration (Dr. Johanne Devlin Trew, University of Ulster)


Afternoon Session 

Session Title: Current European Emigration Compared

Paper 1:Emigration governance in the EU Dr Agnieszka Weinar (European University Institute, Florence)

Paper 2: Nuove mobilità(new mobility): Italian emigration, State discourses and policies in the 2000s/2010s, Dr. Guido Tintori (Leiden University/Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin)

Paper 3: The mutually reinforcing relation between international migration of highly-educated labour force and economic crisis: The case of Greece Professor Lois Labrianidis (University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki)

Paper 4: Perspectives on Current Migratory Flows and Policies in Portugal Dr Joana Azevedo (CIES, Lisbon)

Paper 5: Out-migration of Spanish immigrants Dr Gemma Larramona (University of Zaragoza)



Presentations by Irial Glynn, Piaras Mac Einri, Tomas Kelly



Emigre Department of Geography University College Cork College Road Cork Ireland
